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Transform NPS Promoters into Vocal Advocates

Use Zonka Feedback to identify promoters and engage with them. Utilize advanced segmentation, workflow automation and AI insights to gauge promoter sentiment and make them your brand advocates. 

NPS promoters

How to Turn NPS Promoters into Brand Advocates for Industry Dominance?

So you've just launched a groundbreaking new product, a game-changer in your industry? Early reviews are glowing, sales figures are exceeding expectations – a textbook success story. Fast forward, a year later, a competitor releases a similar product, not quite as innovative, but with a fervent online community singing its praises. Their advocates become brand evangelists, propelling the product into the mainstream consciousness. 

Meanwhile, your "satisfied" customers have quietly moved on, their positive experiences fading into the background noise.

This is the stark difference between promoters and advocates. Promoters keep you afloat, but advocates propel you forward. They create a wave of organic reach, building trust and loyalty that marketing campaigns can't replicate. 

Take Apple, for instance. Their success isn't solely based on innovative products; a large part stems from their passionate user base. Studies show a whopping 93% brand loyalty rate for Apple users, a testament to the power of advocacy. These advocates become brand champions, not just using Apple products, but actively defending and promoting them, creating a loyal community that fuels sales figures.

But how do you tap into the hidden potential of promoters and transform them into vocal brand champions?

That is exactly what we will be exploring in this blog. We'll explore strategies to build deeper relationships with promoters, empower them to champion your brand and cultivate a thriving advocate program that fuels sustainable growth and unshakeable customer loyalty. Let’s get started!


  • NPS Promoters are your biggest fans who score 9 or 10 on NPS surveys and are highly likely to recommend your brand to friend or colleague.

  • Promoters are enthusiastic customers who generate word-of-mouth marketing, enhance customer lifetime value, amplify organic reach, and mitigate negative publicity.

  • Use NPS data for segmentation, personalize engagement, offer exclusive benefits, provide early access, and build dedicated communities to build deeper relationships with your promoters.

  • Some strategies to turn promoters to advocates include leveraging social proof with customer success stories, implementing referral marketing programs, and recognizing and rewarding promoters.

  • Use NPS survey tool like Zonka Feedback to create and distribute NPS surveys, identify promoters, and engage with them. Leverage its advanced segmentation, AI insights, and comprehensive feedback management system to take action and close the feedback loop. Schedule a demo or sign up for a free trial to explore its features to convert your promoters into loyal advocates.

Measure Customer Loyalty with NPS ❤️

Use NPS surveys to identify promoters, gauge their sentiment with AI and make them your brand advocates with Zonka Feedback.

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Who are NPS Promoters?

Imagine you're at a dinner party, raving about a new restaurant you just tried. Your friends ask, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this place?" If you answer with a resounding 9 or 10, congratulations! You've just become an NPS Promoter.

Promoters are your biggest fans – the ones who wouldn't hesitate to sing your praises. They're happy customers who score a 9 or 10 in the NPS surveys, meaning they're highly likely to recommend your brand to others.NPS promoters However, even with a majority of customers rating you highly, if you don't leverage this potential, you're missing out on a powerful source of growth and brand advocacy. As rightly pointed out by Fred Reichheld, the true value lies not just in the NPS score itself, but in how you leverage it to cultivate promoters.

It's not the score that matters, it's what you do with it to make promoters that really counts.

While you put all your energy into turning NPS detractors into promoters, if you do not take your promoters a step further, then you are leaving a loyal customer segment untapped.

Why are Promoters Important for Business Growth?

Promoters generate positive word-of-mouth marketing, a powerful tool that builds trust and loyalty far more effectively than any advertising campaign. Think about it – who are you more likely to trust: a flashy ad or a glowing recommendation from a friend?

Let us look at some compelling reasons why they matter so much for your business. 

  • High Customer Lifetime Value: Promoters are more than just satisfied customers; they're repeat buyers who advocate for your brand. Think of a company like Amazon. Prime members, who are essentially promoters, spend significantly more compared to non-Prime members. This translates to a higher customer lifetime value (CLTV) for Amazon, boosting their bottom line.

  • Amplifying Organic Reach in a Saturated Market: Forget expensive marketing campaigns that get lost in the noise. Promoters act as your organic amplification channel. Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform competing with giants like AWS benefits largely from positive word-of-mouth from developers. The word reaches other developers within their networks, creating a much more targeted and trusted reach than traditional marketing efforts.

  • Overcoming Bureaucracy and Scaling Customer Advocacy: Large enterprises often struggle with siloed departments and rigid structures. Promoters offer a direct line to passionate customers who can provide valuable, real-world insights. By actively engaging them, you can gather customer feedback that transcends internal silos, enabling a more customer-centric culture and driving innovation across the entire organization.

  • Cost-Effective Customer Acquisition: Acquiring new customers is expensive, especially if you run a large-scale business. Promoters, through their positive word-of-mouth and increased customer lifetime value, contribute directly to sustainable growth through repeat business. Think of a logistics company like FedEx. Positive online reviews and recommendations from satisfied businesses not only reduce marketing costs but also attract new clients looking for reliable services based on trusted sources.

  • Mitigating Negative Publicity & Social Media Crises: Large enterprises are often prime targets for online criticism. A strong base of promoters acts as a buffer, defending the brand and promoting positive narratives during times of crisis. Remember the 2017 incident of United Airlines where they faced a PR nightmare when a passenger was forcibly dragged off a flight? The public outrage was calmed down by promoters who came forward for the company's defense. They shared positive experiences they'd had with the airline, highlighting its commitment to safety and customer service.

NPS Promoters - importance

Building Deeper Customer Relationships with Promoters

Many companies, particularly large-scale ones, fail to connect with customers on a personal level. Their sheer size and complex structures create a barrier that hinders genuine interaction. Promoters, however, bypass these obstacles. They not only spread positive word of mouth but also encourage a sense of community around the brand – something large organizations often struggle to cultivate organically.

But for them to build such a sense of community around the brand, you need to build deeper relationships with them so that they can become a powerful marketing force that can connect with audiences on a more human level. Let us look at what you can do to build deeper relationships with your promoters.

1. Use Net Promoter Score Data to Segment Promoters

Once you have conducted NPS surveys, you have access to the customer data and by analyzing this data you can understand your promoters on a deeper level. By categorizing different segments of your customers into NPS passives, detractors, and promoters and further understanding the unique characteristics and preferences of various promoter groups, you can make targeted efforts.

Here's how you can segment promoters for a deeper engagement:

a. Behavioral Segmentation

NPS data, combined with behavioral analysis, allows you to segment promoters based on their actions and preferences. This goes beyond the basic score and reveals valuable insights like:

  • Frequency of Interaction: Do they frequently engage with your surveys, product updates, or social media posts? This can indicate their level of passion and preferred communication channels.

  • Types of Products Purchased: What products or services do they use? This reveals their specific interests within your brand ecosystem.

  • Engagement Level: Do they provide detailed NPS feedback, participate in discussions, or simply answer the core NPS question? This indicates their depth of involvement and potential for co-creation.

b. Customer Value Segmentation

This segmentation would include categorizing promoters based on their lifetime value or total spending. You can combine NPS data with customer purchase history to understand how much each promoter contributes to your business. Based on the data, you can create segments like:

  • High-Value Promoters: Those who are not only enthusiastic but also contribute significantly to your revenue might deserve premium rewards programs or personalized consultations.

  • Medium-Value Promoters: They can be nurtured through targeted offers to increase their lifetime value.

  • Low-Value Promoters: These can be engaged through social media mentions or community participation opportunities.

This would allow you to prioritize resources and tailor rewards programs based on CLTV, maximizing the return on investment from your promoter engagement efforts.NPS Promoters - segmentation

c. Lifecycle Stage-Based Segmentation

Identify where promoters are in their customer journey. Your NPS data coupled with customer lifecycle information, allows you to segment promoters based on their experience with your brand. You can create segments like:

  • New Promoters: Those might need onboarding resources and a warm welcome to solidify their positive first impression.

  • Loyal Promoters: Those who have been with you for a long time can be recognized through exclusive loyalty programs or special thank-you gestures.

  • Reengaged Promoters: Those who haven't interacted in a while might benefit from targeted campaigns reminding them of the value they find in your brand.

d. Product Usage Segmentation

Performing this segmentation would ensure that your engagement strategies are relevant to how promoters actually use your competitive offerings, leading to a more valuable and satisfying experience for them. You can develop segments such as:

  • Frequent Users: Those who rely heavily on your product can be offered advanced features or early access to new functionalities.

  • Occasional Users: They might benefit from personalized recommendations or tips to help them get the most out of your product or service.

  • Feature-Specific Users: Those who are passionate about a particular aspect can be invited to provide feedback on future iterations or even co-create new features.

2. Personalize Customer Engagement

Once you have segmented your promoters based on important criteria, you should create targeted engagement strategies. For instance, let's say you run a software company and you are analyzing the Net Promoter Score data. You discover a segment of promoters in the tech industry who are frequent survey participants and actively discuss new features. This segment likely craves innovation.

You can send them exclusive beta invites or early access programs, demonstrating they value their feedback and expertise. This personalized approach strengthens the bond and keeps these promoters engaged.

Here are some more ideas for personalized customer engagement for promoters:

  • Personalized Onboarding Journeys: Focus on "New Promoters" who haven't interacted much yet. Develop a personalized welcome email series tailored to their segment. For example, a new promoter who raved about your fitness app in the survey might receive a welcome series with workout tips, personalized training plans based on their goals, and a warm introduction to the online fitness community.

  • Interactive Content & Feedback Mechanisms: Host live Q&A sessions with industry experts relevant to the interests of the segments. This provides a platform for promoters to engage in meaningful discussions, showcase their expertise, and feel valued as part of a knowledgeable community. Additionally, collect feedback during these sessions to continuously improve your offerings and demonstrate responsiveness to their needs.

  • Geo-Targeted Personalization: Use location data to personalize offers and content based on the customer's geographic location. For instance, a sporting goods retailer can segment promoters by location and send them targeted promotions for upcoming local sporting events or invitations to in-store product demonstrations relevant to their region. This location-specific personalization showcases your understanding of their local needs and interests.

  • Organize Gamified Social Media Challenges: Create tailored social media challenges that incentivize advocacy. For example, a travel company could launch a "Dream Destination" photo contest for promoters who are passionate about travel. The winner, chosen by a combination of public vote and promoter feedback, gets an exclusive trip to their dream destination.

  • Leverage Personal Milestones: Go beyond generic birthday emails. For high-value promoters with birthdays approaching, send a personalized video message from a company leader wishing them a happy birthday and highlighting their specific contributions as promoters. This unexpected gesture creates a memory and shows you value them as individuals, not just customers.

3. Offer Exclusive Benefits & Loyalty Programs

Exclusive benefits make promoters feel valued, appreciated, and exclusive. They see themselves as part of an elite group, increasing their perception of the value they receive from your brand. This strengthens their positive association with your company and they are more likely to share their positive experiences with others. This amplifies your brand message through organic promotion and attracts new customers.

Here are some ideas through which you can offer exclusive benefits to your promoters and increase the chances of converting them into brand advocates:

  • Tiered Programs with Personalized Rewards: Develop a tiered loyalty program with varying levels based on Net Promoter Score and engagement. High-value promoters might receive exclusive access to new product launches, personalized consultations with product experts, or early beta testing opportunities.

  • Experiences Over Products: Go beyond traditional discounts. Offer exclusive experiences that create lasting memories. This could include invitations to behind-the-scenes tours of your headquarters, participation in industry conferences alongside company executives, or VIP access to exclusive events. These experiences build a deeper connection and create brand stories promoters are eager to share.

  • Cause-Related Rewards: Partner with charities or causes your promoters support. Offer them the opportunity to donate points or rewards to these causes. This taps into their values and creates a positive social impact, aligning your brand with a shared sense of purpose.

4. Give Early Access & Co-Creation Opportunities

When promoters are involved in co-creation opportunities like the product development process, they feel valued and empowered, knowing their input directly impacts the brand's offerings.

Offering early access and co-creation opportunities to promoters significantly deepens their relationship with the brand by fostering a sense of exclusivity and community. When promoters are included in product beta testing or early access programs, they feel valued and integral to the brand’s success. This involvement not only acknowledges their loyalty but also empowers them to influence product development.

To make your promoters more involved with your brand, you can:

  • Allow promoters to be the first to try new products or features before they are released to the public.

  • Actively seek and incorporate feedback from promoters during beta testing or early access phases.

  • Create platforms or forums where promoters can share their experiences and feedback with the brand and each other.

  • Involve promoters in co-creation processes, such as brainstorming sessions or design feedback rounds.

5. Build Dedicated Communities

You should aim to create a brand that doesn't just interact with promoters but creates a space where they interact with each other. Dedicated communities offer a unique and balanced perspective on building deeper relationships with promoters, fostering a sense of belonging, shared purpose, and ultimately, brand loyalty.

Sephora, a leading beauty brand, exemplifies the power of dedicated communities. Their "Beauty Insider Community" is an online forum where members (promoters) connect, discuss product reviews, share makeup tutorials, and even participate in challenges. This creates a sense of community and empowers loyal enthusiasts to become brand advocates.

By building dedicated communities, you create a space for:

  • Promoters to connect, promoting a sense of belonging and emotional brand connection

  • Micro-influencer hubs as communities turn promoters into advocates, amplifying brand awareness and loyalty through organic word-of-mouth

  • Promoters to share best practices and brainstorm, driving mutual learning and brand improvement

  • Direct feedback and engagement where you can gather valuable feedback on product launches, address concerns promptly, and even host live Q&A sessions with industry experts.


NPS Promoters - building deeper relation

Actionable Strategies to Empower Promoters to Advocate

Once you have built a deeper relationship, it will be much easier to turn your promoter to advocates. Let us look at some strategies that you can follow to get your promoters raving about your brand.

  a. Creating Shareable Content

Imagine giving your promoters the tools to become brand storytellers. Creating shareable content – blogs, videos, infographics – empowers them to become vocal advocates, extending your brand message organically.

GoPro, a leader in action cameras, has done exactly that. Their #HERO10Black campaign encouraged users to share stunning videos and photos captured with their cameras. GoPro then re-posted the best user-generated content on their social media channels, showcasing the camera's capabilities and amplifying the voices of their passionate customers.

Here are some ideas on how you can inspire your community of promoters to share their positive words:

  • User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encourage promoters to create and share their own content about your products or services. You can launch campaigns that invite promoters to share their experiences, tips, and creative uses of your products using a specific hashtag like GoPro did.

  • Interactive and Engaging Content: Create interactive content that promoters find fun and engaging to share. You can develop quizzes, challenges, or interactive infographics that are both informative and entertaining.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Provide exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at your brand, products, or events. You can share videos or stories that give an insider’s view of your company’s operations, product development, or event preparations.

  • How-To Guides and Tutorials: Create practical, useful content that helps promoters get the most out of your products. Develop detailed how-to guides, tutorials, and tip videos that solve common problems or enhance the user experience.

b. Leveraging Social Proof with Customer Success Stories

Instead of using traditional testimonials, you can create interactive customer success story campaigns to leverage social proof and turn promoters into advocates. These involve multimedia elements, interactive features, and community engagement to make the stories more compelling and shareable.

Here's how you can use it to your advantage:

  • Multimedia Storytelling: Use videos, infographics, and immersive web pages to tell customer success stories in a visually engaging way.

  • Interactive Features: Incorporate interactive elements such as clickable timelines, user-submitted stories, and interactive maps showcasing customer success stories from different regions.

  • Community Engagement: Create a platform where customers can share their own success stories, comment on others’ experiences, and engage with the brand and other customers.

  • Gamification & Incentives: Incorporate gamified elements like award points or badges for promoters who share success stories on their social media channels or contribute user-generated content.

Salesforce has successfully leveraged social proof with customer success stories through its “Trailblazers” campaign. It features videos and detailed case studies of customers who have achieved significant success using Salesforce solutions. Also, its interactive web pages allow users to explore different customer stories based on industry, company size, or specific Salesforce products used.

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c. Creating Effective Referral Marketing Programs

Referral marketing programs leverage the enthusiasm and satisfaction of loyal customers to drive business growth through personal recommendations. This strategy is cost-effective and capitalizes on the trust and influence promoters have within their personal networks.

Dropbox has immensely benefitted from its targeted referral programs. They segmented their user base and offered tiered rewards based on the number of successful referrals. By integrating social sharing buttons and publicly recognizing top referrers, Dropbox leveraged its existing user base to acquire new customers at scale.

You can implement a referral marketing program to increase your user acquisition and brand loyalty. You can do this by offering:

  • Tiered Incentives: Create a tiered rewards system where promoters receive escalating rewards based on the number of successful referrals.

  • Exclusive Referral Bonuses: Offer exclusive bonuses that are only available through referrals, such as limited edition products or services.

  • Personalized Referral Links: Provide promoters with personalized referral links and messages they can easily share through social media, email, or text.

d. Recognizing & Rewarding Advocates

Recognizing and rewarding advocates is a powerful strategy that goes beyond exclusive benefits and loyalty programs. It focuses on publicly acknowledging and celebrating promoters' contributions, which enhances their emotional connection to the brand and motivates them to actively promote it.

Here's how you can do it for your promoters to make them feel valued and give them the recognition that they deserve:

  • Advocate Spotlights: You can create a monthly or quarterly “Advocate Spotlight” segment that highlights the stories and achievements of your most loyal promoters.

  • Exclusive Ambassador Programs: Develop an ambassador program that provides advocates with exclusive titles, responsibilities, and benefits. You can invite top promoters to become brand ambassadors, offering them special roles such as event speakers, product testers, or content creators.

  • Personalized Thank-You Videos: Send personalized thank-you videos from company leaders or team members to top promoters. You can record short, personalized video messages expressing gratitude for your advocate’s support and contributions.

  • Community Recognition Events: Host special events dedicated to recognizing and celebrating your top advocates. You can organize an annual “Advocate Appreciation Day” with events such as award ceremonies, exclusive dinners, or virtual meetups.

  • Customized Advocate Merchandise: Create exclusive, customized merchandise for your top advocates. For this, you can design and distribute limited-edition products, such as branded apparel, accessories, or tech gadgets, exclusively for advocates.

e. Continuous Improvement & Feedback Loop Closure

Closing the feedback loop becomes critical in transforming promoters into advocates. This involves actively seeking feedback from customers, implementing changes based on that feedback, and communicating these changes back to the customers. This process not only enhances the customer experience but also builds trust and loyalty, making promoters feel valued and heard. To do this, you need to:

  • Actively Listen: Regularly collect feedback from promoters through multiple channels like surveys, interviews, and direct communication to demonstrate that you value their input and are committed to improving based on their suggestions.

  • Assign a Feedback Response Team: Form a dedicated team responsible for reviewing feedback, implementing changes, and communicating updates.

  • Transparent Communication: Inform promoters about the changes made based on their feedback through personalized messages or public announcements to build trust and credibility.

  • Ongoing Engagement: Maintain a continuous dialogue with promoters, regularly seeking additional input and providing progress updates. This will keep promoters engaged and reinforce their importance to the brand, creating a deeper connection.

Starbucks used its “My Starbucks Idea” platform to turn promoters into advocates by inviting customers to share ideas for new products and services. By collecting feedback, implementing suggestions like new flavors and store layouts, and communicating these changes, Starbucks demonstrated a commitment to customer satisfaction and effectively closed the feedback loop. This engagement fostered a sense of community, turning customers into passionate advocates who felt valued and integral to the brand’s success.

NPS Promoters - Strategies to Turn Promoters to Advocates

Turning NPS Promoters into Brand Advocates with Zonka Feedback

While turning promoters into brand advocates can be a time-consuming process, by utilizing a Net Promoter Score online survey tool like Zonka Feedback, you can streamline the process easily. It is feature-rich and can help you actually automate tasks, analyze data efficiently, and personalize communication for maximum impact. Let us look at how you can do it.

1. Advanced Segmentation to Target the Right Promoter

Not all promoters are the same. Imagine dividing your promoters into groups based on their NPS score, industry, specific interests, location or behavior. Zonka Feedback's advanced segmentation allows you to personalize outreach efforts. You can tailor communication to resonate with each group, maximizing the impact of your messages.

For example, by using its advanced segmentation you can identify your most enthusiastic promoters, those with consistently high NPS scores and positive feedback. Invite them to a VIP event or exclusive online forum where they can connect directly with company executives and product developers.

Additionally, you can also segment promoters who consistently visit your website or physical stores but haven't yet become promoters. Target them with personalized email campaigns highlighting features or products they've viewed frequently. Offer them exclusive discounts or early access to sales in exchange for feedback, nurturing them towards becoming promoters and potential advocates.

2. Open-Ended Feedback Analysis with AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis

Zonka Feedback's powerful open-ended feedback analysis powered by advanced AI-driven sentiment analysis allows you to gain deep insights into customer emotions, intents, urgency, and entities mentioned in feedback. By understanding these nuances, you can recognize different types of promoters and strategically push them to become brand advocates.

Here's how it works:

  • Identifying Different Types of Promoters: By analyzing open-ended questions, Zonka Feedback can identify promoters who express excitement and satisfaction about specific products, services, or experiences. Recognizing these promoters allows to engage with them more effectively, offering tailored rewards and experiences that resonate with their specific interests.

  • Tailoring Engagement Strategies: For promoters who frequently offer suggestions, you can involve them in product development processes, beta testing, or exclusive brainstorming sessions.

  • Prioritizing Urgent Feedback from Promoters: If a promoter indicates an urgent issue, such as a problem with a recent purchase, the AI can flag this for immediate resolution. Promptly addressing urgent feedback reinforces the promoter's positive perception of your brand, encouraging continued loyalty and advocacy.

  • Enhancing Positive Experiences: Emotion analysis can identify promoters who consistently express happiness and satisfaction. These promoters can be rewarded with personalized thank-you messages, exclusive offers, or public recognition.


3. Advanced Analytics to Understand Promoter Behavior

With the advanced analytics and reporting capabilities of Zonka Feedback, you can see beyond the numbers and truly understand your promoters. By identifying their passions and potential concerns, you can tailor advocacy programs that resonate with them, turning them into vocal champions who drive sustainable brand growth. Here's how it can be helpful:

  • Insights & Response Analysis: Dig deeper than just scores. Analyze promoter responses to specific questions. Imagine discovering a trend where promoters consistently praise your customer support team in open-ended responses.

  • Targeted Advocacy Programs: Leverage this insight! Develop advocacy programs specifically for these "customer experience champions." Partner with them to create video testimonials or host live Q&A sessions highlighting the exceptional service your team provides. This empowers them to share their positive experiences and positions your brand as a leader in customer service.

  • Location-Based Analysis for Targeted Outreach: Zonka Feedback analyzes feedback by location. Imagine discovering a surge in positive NPS scores from a specific branch or region. You can host exclusive workshops or events for promoters in that location. This fosters a sense of community and empowers them to connect and amplify brand advocacy within their local network.

  • Trends Reports: Track your Net Promoter Score (NPS) over time. Identify any sudden dips or plateaus in promoter sentiment. Combine this with response analysis to understand the "why" behind the decline.

  • Proactive Engagement: Reach out to at-risk promoters with personalized messages addressing their concerns. Offer targeted support or exclusive incentives to maintain their positive experience.

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4. Cross-Departmental Collaboration with Automated Workflows

Turning promoters into advocates requires a cross-departmental effort. Zonka Feedback's automated workflows bridge communication gaps and streamline collaboration, fostering a culture of appreciation and loyalty that fuels promoter advocacy.

For example, if feedback indicates that tech-savvy promoters are enthusiastic about new features, this information can be shared with the product development team to prioritize innovation. Similarly, if promoters frequently commend customer service, these insights can help the customer support team maintain high standards. This cross-departmental collaboration ensures that every team is aligned in addressing promoter needs, enhancing overall customer satisfaction and advocacy.

This is done by:

  • Automating Promoter Identification & Routing: Using AI-powered sentiment analysis, Zonka Feedback identifies promoters and the specific features they're enthusiastic about. Then the software automatically routes feedback to the relevant team.

  • Rewarding Promoters Automatically: You can set up automated workflows to identify promoters based on their feedback scores and frequency, and reward them accordingly.

  • Personalized Communication: You can use Zonka Feedback’s workflow automation to send personalized thank-you messages, exclusive offers, and rewards to promoters based on their feedback.

NPS Promoters - workflow automation

5. Personalized Follow-Ups & Relationship Building

Simply collecting promoter feedback isn't enough to turn them into vocal advocates. You need to build genuine relationships with them through personalized follow-ups and relationship-building. Do this by using Zonka Feedback's features like:

  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Promoters have preferred communication styles. Zonka Feedback allows you to send personalized follow-up messages via email, SMS, or social media depending on promoter preferences.

  • Automated Triggers for Relevant Follow-Ups: Set up automated workflows to trigger follow-up messages based on specific feedback. For example, automatically send an email to promoters who mention a bug, outlining the steps your team is taking to fix it. This keeps them informed and demonstrates your responsiveness.

  • Open-Ended Response Follow-Ups: Don't let valuable insights get lost in open-ended responses. Zonka Feedback identifies key themes and allows you to follow up with promoters directly to clarify their feedback or address specific concerns.

6. Closed-Loop Feedback Management

Closing the loop on promoter feedback isn't just about showing appreciation; it's about fostering a sense of collaboration and shared purpose. Zonka Feedback empowers you to achieve this through a robust closed-loop feedback management system, transforming promoters from mere supporters into vocal advocates who actively contribute to your brand's success.

  • Automated Progress Updates: Keep promoters informed! Zonka Feedback allows you to set up automated workflows that notify them when their feedback is being addressed or when a feature they requested is being implemented.

  • Targeted Surveys & Follow-Up Questions: To keep the engagement ongoing with promoters, you can use Zonka Feedback to send targeted follow-up surveys after addressing their initial feedback. Ask them for their opinion on the changes implemented and gather further insights. This ongoing engagement demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and keeps them invested in the brand.

  • Text Analysis of Follow-Up Responses: Don't just measure updated satisfaction scores, delve deeper! Analyze through text analysis that leverages NLP within promoter responses to follow-up surveys. By analyzing the texts within the follow-up responses, you can identify lingering concerns or areas for improvement even with well-received changes.

Text Analysis


Turning NPS promoters into powerful brand advocates is not just about capitalizing on positive feedback but creating a robust, strategic plan that fosters deep, meaningful relationships with your customers. In the ever-competitive market, having a dedicated group of advocates who passionately support and promote your brand can be the key differentiator that propels your business to new heights.

One of the best ways to invest in your promoters, nurture them, and watch them transform into brand advocates is by utilizing an advanced NPS software like Zonka Feedback that automates and streamlines the processes. With its advanced user segmentation, AI-powered sentiment analysis, and comprehensive feedback management system, Zonka Feedback empowers you to not only identify and understand your promoters but also engage with them in a way that transforms them into vocal advocates.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial or schedule a demo with our team to transform your NPS promoters into loyal brand advocates to take your business to new heights!


Written by Kanika

Jul 18, 2024

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