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5 Ways to Use iPad Survey App at Trade Shows & Events

Over a decade, my family has participated in Jewelry Trade Shows & Events. We make many efforts to turn our exhibition interaction into an on-site sales platform. Before conceptualizing any exhibition, we always keep one thing in mind: ROI. Yes! You’ve invested in our show, and that’s why we have always committed to making our exhibition more interactive and worth attending.

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Why is it important to measure ROI in Events or Trade Shows?

According to the Display Wizard states “44% of business owners and marketing managers don’t measure ROI of their trade shows,” and that “39% said trade shows create a profitable marketing tactic.”

Measuring on-site selling and attendees’ ROI is unimaginable for us, but thanks to iPad Survey Apps that have streamlined our event marketing efforts and made our event a milestone. iPad Survey App offers a comprehensive solution to augment attendees’ engagement, interaction level, and productivity at conferences and events if used effectively by the business.

Here are 5 effective ways to use the iPad Survey App at Trade Shows & Events:

1. Incorporate Your iPad Survey App to Kiosk for Capturing Leads

Events and Trade shows are not mere professional occasions but an engaging platform where businesses can easily connect to their customers and get potential leads. Communication is the key way to interact with the attendees and efficiently exhibit your products or services. Now the question is how you will turn your interaction into potential leads? The answer is the iPad Survey App.


Yes! Talking to the attendees is not enough; you need to capture their data smartly, which later helps you pitch them and turn them to your customers. And here iPad Survey App incorporated in the kiosk devices can turn your iPad system into engaging stations, where you can effortlessly capture attendees’ attention and data by displaying different content, including surveys, registration forms, professional games, and other business promotional marketing activities.

How iPad Survey Apps Make Leads Capturing Process Easy at Events?

iPad Survey App offers comprehensive lead capture solutions that cover all important aspects of the lead capture process. It systematically streamlines the process of data collection and storage even in the internet-disabled environment.

Let’s explore some unique features of an ideal iPad Survey App that enable you to capture leads efficiently in the trade shows and events:

  • Offline Functionality - Offline functionality is the crucial feature of the best survey apps for iPad that makes it stand apart from other lead capturing tools. Internet connectivity is the main reason that keeps most business owners away from iPads and Tablets. It is being considered that all the latest digital devices, including mobile, iPads, Tablets, Kiosks, iPhones, need an uninterrupted internet connection. And various logistic uncertainties make it impossible for a business to access an uninterrupted internet connection.

    But in reality, iPad Survey Apps can run without the Internet and WiFi. You can easily capture the leads even in an offline (without WiFi) mode. It stores all the leads and attendees’ crucial data in the iPad and syncs to the cloud once WiFi is back up. 

  • Lead Routing - Collecting leads in an event offers the business a great opportunity to set up a strong customer base. Collecting leads prove to be fruitful if it is synchronized and used effectively. Here, the Lead Routing System helps you categorize your leads according to your targeted audiences and their custom requirements. Further, these segregated leads are automatically sent to the different sales departments to contact them and immediately serve them what they want.

    For Instance, A company is involved in selling laptop hardware and software products. Lead routing automatically segregates the leads interested in hardware and software. So, leads interested in hardware are automatically sent to the hardware customer support or sales department, and leads interested in the software are sent automatically to the software customer support or sales department.

  • Lead Scoring - Lead Scoring is another feature that enables the business to capture qualified leads. Here, in this lead management system, the leads are segregated based on the customers’ level of interest or engagement at the event.

    For instance, say, if you are exhibiting your newly developed Marketing & Sales Management Tool, that tool is meant for everyone like CEOs, CXOs, and Executive levels. Then in this scenario, you can segregate the leads into different categories like company size of customers, job title, industry sphere, etc. Lead Scoring helps your sales support team to attend to every hot lead efficiently. 

  • Instant Follow Up - We see many search queries on Google; what is the good time to follow up with a lead? The answer is Instant Follow up, as soon as possible. Since your iPad Survey Software enables you to gather customer data and with the help of you can routing and score your lead data and prioritize your schedule for following up a hot lead that is needed to be immediately contacted during the event. There might be chances that your lead gets converted and new business opportunities. 

2. Event Check-In Feedback & Registration

The iPad Survey App can be efficiently utilized pre and during the event, trade show, or exhibition for registration and check-in feedback. You can use a customized iPad Survey Registration App either or iPad device or iPad Kiosks.

There are several great ways to execute a paperless check-in utilizing iPads. Event staff can easily utilize one of many event registration apps to have guests quickly sign-in on iPads. Another hands-off approach would be to load a custom registration app on iPad kiosks or desk stands for attendee self-check-in. 

You don’t need to take event feedback post-event. You can also conduct Pre, During, and Post Event Feedback. You can easily use the iPad or Android Survey App at the event to capture instant real-time feedback from attendees. Collecting attendees’ feedback during the event will help you collect ongoing data about attendees’ experience and improve the engagement level that contributes to collecting qualified leads.

3. Mobile Point-of-Sale (POS) System

Sometimes, it happens that attendees buy our jewelry products on the spot. So, having a cashier and managing cash manually in such a crowded place is next to impossible. So, here the Mobile Point-on-Sale (POS) system reduces our manual intervention and streamlines our sales-related tasks.

Also, another factor that promotes the deployment of the Mobile Point-of-Sale (POS) System is the increase in the number of mobile and other communication devices, including iPhone and iPad users. According to Datareportal, the total number of unique mobile users worldwide grew by 128 million in the past 12 months.

Mobile Point-on-Sale System offers ease to both exhibitors and attendees to manage onboarding sales activities, including adding inventory and accepting payments in no time. You can swiftly be paired with your Mobile Point-of-Sale with additional POS hardware like a Barcode scanner to manage payment with no time, as well as this function has been implemented first by Square point of sale system.

4. Real-Time Attendees’ Feedback

Being an exhibitor, we are always curious to know the response of the event or what are the perceptions of the attendees about the event. Thus, we determine the event’s success through the words of the mouth of attendees. We gather feedback data to gauge people’s level of engagement in the event. We optimized our event strategies and made it more audience appeal based on it.

Capturing attendees’ feedback via iPad Survey App enables you to cover multitudes of event survey questions, especially Pre and During the event. A professional iPad Survey Software has in-built Event Survey Templates that cover the Closed-Ended and Open-Ended survey questions to measure the attendees’ perception before, during, and after the particular event.

Make sure you choose a professional iPad Survey App that enables you to capture the real-time instant reaction of the customers. These data provide you with clear pictures of your attendees, their perceptions about your event, their loyalty level about your brand without investing extra time, resources, and capital.

5. Real-time Staff Monitoring

The biggest challenge in an event is managing and maintaining a reliable environment and ensuring that everything is going well, especially if your exhibition is divided into multiple podiums. So, in this scenario, the business needs to have real-time staff monitoring.

However, installing the iPad Survey App system on every podium can help you manage every podium and the staff from a single dashboard. Monitoring the staff enables you to manage the attendees’ feedback via a single dashboard from multiple locations.

Benefits of Using iPad Survey App at Events & Trade Shows

An extensive range of benefits is associated with the deployment of the iPad Survey App in trade shows, events, and exhibitions. Let’s explore why iPad Survey Software is a great choice for your corporate events.

  1. Enables to take unattended feedback 

  2. Promotes attendees engagement 

  3. Ensures quick & user-friendly feedback collection 

  4. Reduces dependency on WiFi 

  5. Provides survey reports & detailed analysis

Take Feedback on iPads and iPhones using iPad Survey Software


Written by Archit

Dec 03, 2021

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