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Top 12 Employee Survey Templates

Employee satisfaction surveys are critical for gathering information about your company and engaging your employees, as well as providing a forum for them to raise concerns and have their voices heard by management. They are a no-brainer if you want to retain employees, and maintain their emotional and physical well-being, work-life balance, and more. It also helps managers and company owners to determine which aspects of their company require more attention and which can be better organized.

To put it mildly..

Employee survey templates are an excellent tool for management to monitor the company's pulse. By properly implementing the employee surveys, you’ll gather:

  • What’s on your employee's minds?
  • What do they like most about your organization?
  • What needs to be improved?
  • What do they think about the leadership?

This article will review the top 12 employee survey templates & how using taking surveys can help you understand your employees better. 

What are Employee Surveys?

To put it in simple words, An employee survey allows the employees to share their opinions and experiences.


This survey measures workers’ feelings of contentment by covering questions about How do employees feel about company culture, employee growth, recognition by superiors, coworker relationships, and other issues.

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Why Use Employee Surveys?

Evaluating the need and desires of employees is critical to boosting employee engagement and overall increased productivity. According to research, happy employees were 12% more productive than unhappy employees on average. And employers who fail to improve workplace satisfaction suffer from reduced productivity, high turnover, low morale and etc. 

Top Employee Survey Questions

When crafting the employee surveys, you need to be specific with the questions rather than using business jargon. You want to communicate with your workers as honestly as possible. So, what employee survey questions should be on your surveys? Here is a list of some relevant questions:

  • Do you enjoy our company’s culture?
  • Do you feel connected to your coworkers?
  • Do your managers value your feedback?
  • Do you feel valued for your contributions?
  • Do you think that work is distributed evenly across your team?
  • Does our company give you the tools and technologies you need to do your job well?
  • How happy are you at work?
  • When the organization makes changes, do you understand why?
  • Would you recommend [organization] to your friends as an employer?
  • Do you see yourself working here in a year?

Top 12 Employee Survey Templates

1. Employee Post-Interview Survey Template

The first step where you can gather the feedback is post-interview. The interview is crucial for any company to hire new employees but what's more important is making the candidate's experience better. By using this employee interview template you can do much better than your competitors. This survey template allows you flexibility and re-think your interview process if not getting results. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • What did you like most about the product?
  • How easy was it to find all the information regarding the job position?
  • How professional was the recruiter?
  • Based on the interview and recruitment, how likely are you to recommend this company to your friends and family?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Getting employee feedback and turn passive candidates into employees.
  • Getting to know about your hiring team and improve your interview process.

Questions: 8

Time to complete: 2 min

2. Employee Onboarding Survey Template

Another use case of using employee surveys after the interview is done and the candidate is about to join. Most companies struggle with employee onboarding and it's one of the primary reasons why candidates leave within 6 months. By incorporating this invoice template, you can enhance the onboarding process and improve retention rates.

Great Employee Onboarding can Improve Employee Retention by 82%.😀

Your company can be in this 82% by using the Employee Onboarding Survey Template. This survey touches upon all areas of employee onboarding and allows you to assess what parts of your onboarding process checklist are going well and where there is room for improvement. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • I was provided accurate information about the Company during the recruitment process.
  • Is there something we could have done to improve the recruitment process?
  • What’s one thing we could have done differently to improve the first week of your onboarding experience?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Finding out employee onboarding issues in your company.
  • Know how new employees percieve your company.


Questions: 7

Time to complete: 1 min

3. Employee Engagement Survey Template

Employee engagement is a big factor in retaining your star candidates. Your company's success starts and ends with its employees. You need a way to keep them motivated, listen to them, and know how they feel about your company. 

This Employee Engagement Survey Template  (48 questions) will get you the feedback you need to make to keep employees happy. The stat given below showcases the importance of 'HAPPY' 😀employees. 

69% of employees say they'd work harder if they were better appreciated. 💪

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • What is your job role at the company?
  • Which department do you work for?
  • I am pleased with the career advancement opportunities available to me.
  • Employees in my organization willingly accept change.
  • I am compensated fairly relative to my local market.
  • My supervisor and I have a good working relationship.
  • I am satisfied with the workplace flexibility offered by my organization.

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Leaves you with more questions than answers helping you to improve the employee engagement.
  • Know which employees are performing well and which aren't.
  • Never miss any minute feedback of your employees.


Questions: 48

Time to complete: 4 min

4. Employee Training Survey Template

Employee training is necessary and a great way to build up employee engagement. In an organization at some point, employees require training to improve their knowledge and skill set. Most organizations want their employees to learn new skills that will improve the workflow and benefit the whole organization.

To measure your employee training, you can use our Employee Training Survey Template by clicking on the ‘use this template’ button. Implement the template by customizing it according to your needs.

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • How would you rate your training?
  • How would you rate the training modules?
  • How would you rate the trainer's skills?
  • How was your overall experience at the training?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Streamline your employee training.
  • Know about your company's trainer and improve their skills.

Questions: 7

Time to complete: 2 min

5. 360-degree Employee Evaluation Survey Template

Evaluating employees is key to identifying top leaders in the company. There have been cases where an employee excels and can act as an internal resource for the other teams as well. By employee evaluation, one can solve the issue of internal hiring and make it easy for the recruitment teams. 

You can do this by using our 360 degree employee evaluation survey template and focusing on the employee's skills as a whole. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • Please rate his/her communication skills.
  • Please rate his/her team player skills.
  • Will you recommend this individual to a colleague?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Use your information to improve your company culture and create the best team ever.
  • Get the honest opinions of the peers & get best possible candidates for future roles.


Questions: 5

Time to complete: 1 min

6. Employee Wellness Survey Template

Employee wellness is a neglected touchpoint in various companies and many employees switch having an overall bad experience.  

48% of employees believe that investing in professional development is one of the most effective stress-reduction methods that their organization can do.💪

There are many studies to prove it and the end goal of the companies is to provide amazing wellness satisfaction to every employee. Traditionally, HR managers estimate employee wellness by employee engagement stats, workplace turnover, and more but slowly are shifting towards Employee Wellness Survey Template as it addresses the underlying issues up-front. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • Overall, I feel well and whole (emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually). (1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree)
  • I find it easy to express my emotions in positive, constructive ways.
  • I am intellectually stimulated by my work and non-work activities.
  • My workload is manageable.
  • I have found a balance between meeting my needs and those of others.

These survey templates areideal for: 

  • Getting an understanding of employee perspectives on the importance of health and wellness.
  • Determine if an employee is taking appropriate health measures for any serious conditions.
  • Get suggestions from employees for improving current wellness programs.


Questions: 57

Time to complete: 8 min

7. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Survey Template

You want your employees to share the same vision as your company. And you also want to gather insights about employees who don't share the same vision. It means getting negative feedback can work wonders for the organization. The organization can evaluate and improve there process. 

By using this employee net promoter score survey you will get instant results with minimum fuss. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • On a scale from 0-10 how likely are you to recommend this company as a place of work to your friends or family? 
  • What is the main reason for your score?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Measure employee loyalty.


Questions: 2

Time to complete: 45 secs

8. Management Performance Survey Template

Employees can wonder if they are under amazing leadership. To get the most accurate picture of management performance, it is necessary to ask subordinates how they perceive their superiors. Bottom-up feedback is extremely valuable, just as top-down evaluation is.  

Our Management Performance Survey Template was designed by experts to provide you with a complete picture of the employees themselves. Inquire with employees about everything from how comfortable they are with management to what improvements they believe are needed.

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • How comfortable do you feel voicing your concerns to the supervisor?
  • How clearly does your supervisor explain the company's business plans?
  • How realistic are the expectations of your supervisor?
  • How effectively does your supervisor use company resources?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Captures your employees' score on different matters like employees comfort level in voicing concerns to supervisors.
  • Learn if employees feel their supervisors are approachable, if they feel they interact with their supervisor enough.

Questions: 9

Time to complete: 2 min


9. Coronavirus Working from Home Survey Template for Managers

We all got to know the importance of every employee during COVID-19, it was quite tough for the companies as well as the employees to work during uncertain times. But hopefully, everyone has overcome the situation and looking forward to streamlining things even while working from their home. The productivity of employees has been amazing during the WFH scenario and this trend is here to stay. 

Though the biggest challenge of the WFH scenario is knowing whether the employees are feeling good and able to manage the work. This won't be the case by using our working from home survey, covering a range of topics from equipment issues, to mental well-being and more. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • How satisfied are you with your current work-from-home arrangement?
  • Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about working from home this week than you were last week?
  • Do you have all the equipment you need in order to do work from home?
  • Do you have a dedicated workspace where you can work at your home?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Help individual managers understand how their teams are coping now, and in the weeks to come.
  • Make WFH policies by understanding what employee's want.


Questions: 8

Time to complete: 2 min

10. Coronavirus Office Return Check-in Template

The coronavirus spread has changed everyone's lives in unprecedented ways. This is the reason why companies need to discover employees' needs and concerns and make sure they are ready for the office environment.

We recommend starting with a complete employee survey; following lockdown, it will provide you with all the information you need and help you understand where to prioritize. You can use this return to return to work template to see how your employees are doing today and to develop a more informed and strategic plan for building a hybrid model or returning to the office.

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • How confident are you in your ability to return to work?
  • What are your concerns, if any, about returning to the office?
  • What would you feel more comfortable about returning to the office?
  • Are there any precautionary measures that you would object to if they were implemented at work?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Aids leadership and HR teams in quickly understanding any concerns employees may have, as well as what would make them feel more at ease about returning to work.

Questions: 6

Time to complete: 1 min


11. HR Employee Survey Template

Maintaining employee satisfaction is key for HR. By using HR employee survey, you can be ensured employee satisfaction. The survey template is designed to let you know where they stand and their views regarding the company. 

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • What is your job level in the company?
  • How long have you been working for the company?
  • How challenging do you think is your role?
  • Do you receive help and coordination from your coworkers when required?

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • As HR managers, know if your employees are satisfied.
  • Get to know any improvements you need to make in your employee engagement process.

Questions: 8

Time to complete: 2 min

12. Exit Interview Survey Template

One of the major pillars of a high-performing organization is a low employee attrition rate. With each exit, you lose a significant portion of the employee experience they gained while working with you. Not to mention the costly process of hiring and recruiting, as well as training, if knowledge transfer is insufficient. 

The key is to improve employee experience and satisfaction. And you can get a lot of actionable data and insights to make this possible on an organizational level by improving your employee exit process. 

This Exit Interview Survey Template is crafted for you to understand your exiting employees better by asking them questions about their overall experiences, roadblocks faced, and changes they wished to experience while being a part of this organization.

These employee survey templates will focus on questions such as: 

  • So, which department were you working in?
  • When did you start working here?
  • Alright, and your final day is on… And what are the most important reasons you for you leaving?
  • We're sorry to hear you didn't enjoy working here. Here's a chance to air your thoughts.

These survey templates are ideal for: 

  • Get candid feedback from exiting employees and get more insight into their experiences at your company.


Questions: 7

Time to complete: 2 min

Using the right employee survey templates allows you to gather information and get maximum participation from your teams. Finally, use Zonka Feedback to gather a seamless data collection process from start to finish – you can create your survey, share it with respondents, and analyze the resulting data with no hassle. Get started by picking up a template!! 

Boost Employee Engagement

Measure, analyze and improve employee feedback and reduce employee turnover with Zonka Feedback.

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Nikhil Rana

Written by Nikhil Rana

Sep 05, 2022

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