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Patient Feedback about Doctor Survey Template

How did the patient find the recent interaction with the doctor? Capture patient feedback using this patient feedback form for doctors at clinics and hospital survey template.

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  • Lightening fast setup

Want to know your patient feedback? Use our patient feedback about doctor survey and take real-time feedback.

Start improving your patient experience by listening to their feedback. Implement our patient feedback about the doctor survey template and get seamless feedback. 

The satisfied patient tends to recommend the hospital to their friends/family. Track patient satisfaction by using our amazing survey template. You can customize the template according to your needs and choose the template which best suits your patients. 

Sharing our template is quick, you can do this by just creating a link and sharing it just after the patient gets treated. You can do it via email, SMSes, web app or via kiosk mode. 

To create a survey using the Patient Feedback about Doctor Survey Template, just sign up or sign in to Zonka Feedback. You’ll be able to choose this Survey Template when you begin creating your feedback form or survey.

List of Patient Feedback about Doctor Survey

The following questions are included in this Patient Feedback about Doctor Survey Template.

  • Which of the following reasons best describes the reason for your visit today? (please select all that apply)
  • Based on your experience today, how good was your doctor on each of the following parameters?
  • Based on your experience today, how likely are you to recommend this doctor to your friends and family?
  • Would you like to share any comments and suggestions about your experience today?
Sign Up on Zonka Feedback for free and implement a Patient Feedback about Doctor Survey Template in your account to capture the data.

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