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How to Get More From Your Net Promoter Score?

According to Esteban Kolsky, 72% of customers who have a positive experience with a brand will share it with 6 or more people. And 13% of unhappy customers will share their bad experiences with 15 or more people.

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Businesses that lead with customer-first ideology know how important this NPS question can be:

6 Ways to Get More From Your Net Promoter Score (4)

Net Promoter Score is one of the most important metrics to measure customer experiences, which helps you gauge the general customer sentiment and points the brand in the right direction. Almost every Voice of Customer program consists of NPS surveys. And though collecting NPS data isn’t challenging if you have the right strategy and survey tool in place, sometimes not being able to act on the data is what slows down the growth.

In this article, we will talk about how to use NPS insights to make relevant changes to the brand and tap into the power of excellent customer experience.


6 Ways to Get More From Your Net Promoter Score 

  1. Set Up a Championship Team
  2. Find Out the Root Cause of NPS
  3. Use NPS to Make Structural Changes
  4. Use NPS to Improve Customer Experience
  5. Use NPS to Train Staff
  6. Always Close the Feedback Loop
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1. Set Up a Championship Team

NPS is not for a single team, and ideally, shouldn’t be. This is because it can help in several ways, such as improving the product/service, improving customer communication, training the customer retention team, leading innovation, and measuring business growth and success.

Therefore, you should create NPS surveys keeping in mind the comprehensive growth of the company and build a championship team with stakeholders from different departments to use the data effectively. To successfully execute this, here’s what you can do:

  • Choose stakeholders from each department that can use NPS data to drive root cause analysis in view of their departments.
  • Choose stakeholders from each department that can create resolution and improvement strategies in view of their departments.
  • Conduct monthly meetings to share customer feedback with the team members and brainstorm ideas to improve the net promoter score.
  • Track growth at fixed intervals.

2. Find Out the Root Cause of the Overall Net Promoter Score

Feedback is only useful when it’s analyzed and used to improve customer experience. Understanding customers’ expectations and catering to their demands does not just improve your product or services but also communicates to your customers that their feedback is valuable. But all of that isn’t possible unless you can put the finger on what works and what does not.

Therefore, it’s important to conduct a root cause analysis of NPS data (especially detractors) by asking your customers for critical information with statements or questions in your NPS survey, such as:

  • Please share the reason for the score you have given our product/brand.
  • Please share what we could do to improve your experience with our brand.
  • What did you dislike the most about our product?
  • What did you like the most about our product?
  • What are the top three reasons to recommend or not recommend our brand?

3. Make Structural Changes Based on Your NPS Score

Net Promoter Score groups your customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. It measures the degree of success post customers’ experiences with the brand. And this quantitative information can be extremely helpful in answering questions, such as:

  • Which team or department has the most detractors?
  • Which product or service usually has more promoters?
  • Which product or service is currently seeing a decreasing number of detractors?
  • Which department, team, product, or service requires more attention to turn passives into promoters?

Drawing NPS reports will help you optimize your efforts in making structural changes to improve overall customer satisfaction. So, make sure that:

  • The NPS data is properly organized into actionable reports.
  • The NPS reports are analyzed to measure improvement or growth compared to the previous data set from time to time

4. Use NPS to Improve Customer Experience

Customers expect a faster resolution to their complaints and queries. And that’s not just selective observation; a study by LivePerson shows that 82% of customers who receive a quick resolution or response are happier with the brand. So, if you’re able to shorten the response and resolution time, you can improve customer satisfaction, and hence the net promoter score.

If a ticket is open for a longer time, it impacts customer experience and reflects badly on your brand’s reputation as a whole. To prevent this, here’s what you can do:

  • Use complaint and feedback patterns to identify a set of common problems and solutions so that the customer service team can resolve commonly reported challenges in real-time.
  • Based on past NPS data, calculate the approximate resolution time and communicate it to customers beforehand so that they know what to expect.
  • Use NPS data to ensure first call resolution. 

5. Use NPS to Train Staff

The great thing about quantitative data is that it allows you to derive patterns that give an insight into customer behavior, helps understand which areas are performing well, and highlights the challenges. So, instead of using this information to tackle the challenges at hand, turn your NPS data into FAQs and guides to train the staff. When your staff understands the way customers think, they will be able to:

  • Provide quick problem resolutions to customers.
  • Avoid past mistakes.
  • Innovate in alignment with customer preferences and expectations.
  • Contribute as direct or indirect partners in improving the net promoter score, irrespective of their departments.

6. Always Close the Feedback Loop

NPS is a way to get a piece of your customers’ minds. But unless you act on the information received, it doesn’t bring any good to the business. Therefore, it’s important to close the feedback loop and be able to turn passive users into brand evangelists and detractors into satisfied customers. Here are a few things you can do to close the feedback loop:

  • Identify high-priority feedback and respond to the detractor segment of your customers at the earliest.
  • Assure customers that their feedback is being tracked and worked on.
    Set clear expectations; let customers know how long they will need to wait for the issue to be resolved.
  • Respond to customers with an update as soon as their issue is resolved even if they do not contact you to check on the progress.
  • Understand it’s okay to say No when a certain problem can be resolved at the moment. Don’t keep your customers in the dark.
  • Offer discounts or incentives as a way to apologize to customers who have had a bad experience with your brand.

6 Ways to Get More From Your Net Promoter Score (2)


Net Promoter Score doesn’t just measure customers’ loyalty, it gives brands an opportunity to identify interactions or transactions that are leading to dissatisfaction among customers. And to get the most out of your customer feedback surveys, you can also consider including CSAT surveys in your customer experience strategy since it allows digging deep into specific challenges customers may be facing. So, find out how you can expand or use the tips above to make the best use of NPS data.

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Written by Bhawika

Dec 09, 2021

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