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Zonka Feedback gets smarter with AI: Build smarter surveys, unlock deeper insights ➝

Transform Customer Experience with Actionable Insights

Utilize Zonka Feedback to transform customer feedback management. Leverage AI insights, workflow automation and seamless integration with business tools to enhance customer satisfaction.

Migrating from QuestionPro to Zonka Feedback

Why TAJBank migrated from QuestionPro & Google Forms to Zonka Feedback to revolutionize feedback management?

Imagine this: You’re managing a bank with 38 departments spread across a nation, tasked with gathering feedback from employees and customers alike. As you expand, the pressure to maintain consistent brand experience and capture real-time insights mounts. Each piece of feedback is an opportunity—one you can’t afford to miss. What happens when your tools aren’t up to the task

TAJBank faced this very challenge. Known for its commitment to ethical banking, TAJBank aimed to capture a 75% market share, all while delivering exceptional service. But with limited customization and low response rates using Google Forms and QuestionPro, vital feedback was slipping away.

That’s when they discovered Zonka Feedback! A platform built to offer flexibility, advanced reporting, and real-time insights across various departments and customer touchpoints. Kelechi David, Quality Manager at TAJBank remarked:

The Zonka Feedback platform as a whole is simple. It gave us exactly what we needed and became essential in hitting our targets.

In this blog, we’ll uncover how Zonka Feedback revolutionized TAJBank’s feedback management process, helping them achieve remarkable growth and actionable insights. We'll also see how you can leverage these same powerful features to turn feedback into meaningful business growth. Let’s dive in!

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Why did TAJBank Switch from QuestionPro & Google Forms to Zonka Feedback?

Both QuestionPro and Google Forms are widely used customer feedback tools, offering a simple way to collect data. They work well for many businesses, providing customizable surveys and basic analytics. However, they’re not always ideal for complex organizations like TAJBank, which needed deeper insights across multiple departments and customers. Additionally, the lack of customization and advanced data analysis in those tools led to missed opportunities for improvement.

On the contrary, Zonka Feedback is equipped with advanced features like reporting, analytics and easy integration that help transform raw feedback into actionable insights. The platform’s G2 rating of 4.7 further reinforces its place as a preferred solution for companies that require more than just basic feedback collection.

"Zonka Feedback helped us achieve our goals effortlessly. The platform is intuitive—even someone new to surveys can use it easily. What impressed us most was the support—whenever there’s a challenge, the team is always there to assist." - Kelechi David, Quality Manager 

Major Challenges with QuestionPro & Google Forms

While Google Forms and QuestionPro are commonly used survey software in the feedback space, user reviews highlight several recurring challenges when it comes to their ability to meet the needs of many organizations. Here’s a look at the key obstacles users often face:

1. Limited Customization and Flexibility

Many users find the rigidity of these platforms limiting when it comes to customization. Though ideal for simple surveys, creating more tailored surveys for diverse departments can be frustrating. Organizations often need advanced features to better align surveys with specific needs, and both platforms fall short.

For TAJBank, this was a major issue. Their teams needed different types of surveys for various departments, but the generic templates forced them to settle for “one-size-fits-all” surveys. This lack of flexibility made it difficult to capture meaningful insights from their employees and customers.

2. Low Response Rates

Engaging participants is crucial, yet many users report low response rates with Google Forms and QuestionPro. The platforms’ basic designs and lack of advanced engagement features like automated follow-ups often result in disengaged audiences and fewer responses.

TAJBank faced similar struggles. With a large customer base and thousands of employees, they needed robust participation. However, these platforms offered limited features to boost response rates, leaving them with incomplete feedback and making it harder to gain actionable insights.

3. Limited Branding Options

Branding matters, especially for companies striving to maintain a consistent image. Both platforms offer limited branding options, leading to surveys that feel disconnected from the overall brand experience. This can diminish trust and reduce engagement.

For TAJBank, which takes pride in a trusted and professional image, the lack of branding options was a significant problem. Their surveys didn’t reflect the polished identity they worked hard to build, leading to a disconnect between their customers and the feedback they were trying to collect.

4. Complicated Data Analysis

Users often highlight the complexity of analyzing feedback from these platforms. With limited reporting options, many are forced to manually sort through data, slowing down their decision-making process.

TAJBank experienced this firsthand. The time-consuming task of analyzing raw data delayed their ability to make quick, strategic decisions. The absence of advanced analytics meant they were often behind in responding to customer needs, impacting their overall customer experience.

Challenges of using QuestionPro

How Zonka Feedback is an Ideal Alternative to QuestionPro & Google Forms?

Zonka Feedback emerges as a powerful alternative to QuestionPro and Google Forms primarily due to its flexibility, customization options, and advanced features. These features empowered TAJBank to elevate their feedback collection efforts across various departments and customer touchpoints. Let us look at how:

1. Customized Surveys for Targeted Insights

One of the most powerful aspects of Zonka Feedback is its flexibility in creating fully customized surveys tailored to specific needs. Unlike the rigid, generic templates of other platforms, Zonka Feedback allows you to design surveys that reflect the unique requirements of different departments and feedback types—whether gathering customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or product usability insights.

TAJBank leveraged this feature to design surveys that perfectly suited the needs of various teams within the organization. Here’s how:

  • Customized Feedback for Specific Goals: Whether they needed detailed feedback on customer banking experiences or insights into employee collaboration, Zonka Feedback allowed them to create surveys that asked the right questions and collected targeted data.
  • Driving Organization-Wide Improvements: This tailored approach ensured that every department received actionable insights relevant to their goals, driving improvements across the organization.

Migrating from QuestionPro - Zonka Feedback

2. Efficient Feedback Collection Across Departments

For many companies, collecting feedback across multiple departments can often become disjointed and inefficient. Zonka Feedback becomes an ideal Google Forms alternative by solving this by offering a streamlined, department-specific approach to feedback collection, enabling each team to gather insights that foster collaboration and growth.

TAJBank used Zonka Feedback to bridge the feedback gap between departments, allowing them to create tailored surveys for each team.

  • Improved Cross-Department Collaboration: This not only facilitated more focused internal growth but also fostered better collaboration between departments, as teams could now collect and act on feedback relevant to their specific operations.
  • Alignment on Shared Goals: Feedback-driven initiatives helped different departments work together toward common objectives, strengthening overall performance.

3. White-Labeling for Brand Consistency

Zonka Feedback’s white-labeling capabilities ensure that surveys are a seamless extension of a brand’s identity. With this feature, you can fully customize the look and feel of your surveys—logos, fonts, colors—ensuring every interaction aligns with your brand’s image to maintain trust and professionalism.

TAJBank used Zonka Feedback’s white-labeling to strengthen their brand across all feedback channels. Doing so helped them to maintain a unified and professional presence in both customer and employee-facing surveys.

  • Professional, Cohesive Branding: White-labeling allowed TAJBank to present a polished, consistent brand image in every survey touchpoint.
  • Tailored Surveys for Different Audiences: Whether targeting high-value clients or internal staff, every survey aligned with their brand identity.
  • Reinforcing Trust and Professionalism: Each interaction, backed by a cohesive brand experience, helped build trust and maintain TAJBank’s professional reputation.

4. Streamlined Data Export and Analysis

One of Zonka Feedback’s strengths lies in its ability to not only collect but also analyze feedback data in real-time. The platform’s advanced analytics capabilities, coupled with seamless data export options, allow you to gain valuable insights quickly and efficiently. This eliminates the need for manual data sorting and empowers your team to make data-driven decisions faster.

TAJBank benefited from this feature by drastically reducing the time spent analyzing feedback. Here’s how they did it:

  • Real-Time Insights for Faster Decisions: Instant access to feedback metrics empowered TAJBank to make prompt decisions, improving responsiveness to both customers and employees.
  • Automated Data Sorting and Reporting: TAJBank saved valuable time by eliminating manual sorting, allowing teams to focus on acting on the data rather than processing it.
  • Proactive Trend Identification: With real-time data, TAJBank could detect patterns and trends early, enabling proactive problem-solving and operational improvements.
  • Improved Efficiency Across Departments: The ability to export and analyze data efficiently streamlined processes and increased the overall effectiveness of TAJBank’s internal operations.

Migrating from QuestionPro - Zonka Feedback Real time Alerts

5. Boosting Response Rates with Tailored Reminders

Survey completion rates are a common concern for organizations, and Zonka Feedback addresses this with its automated reminder system. By sending personalized reminders to those who haven’t completed a survey, the platform helps you boost participation and ensures that feedback loops are as comprehensive as possible.

TAJBank saw a significant improvement in response rates after implementing Zonka Feedback’s reminder feature. They could now engage both customers and employees who hadn’t responded to initial survey invitations.

  • Automated, Timely Reminders: Zonka Feedback’s reminder system ensured TAJBank could re-engage respondents who didn’t complete the survey initially, maximizing participation.
  • Personalized Outreach: Customized reminders made the follow-ups feel relevant and targeted, which improved engagement rates among both customers and employees.
  • Higher Feedback Volume for Better Decisions: The increase in responses gave TAJBank access to a larger data pool, allowing for more informed and comprehensive decision-making.
  • Enhanced Departmental Insights: By gathering more responses, TAJBank was able to capture feedback across all departments, ensuring more accurate and actionable insights.

Migrating from QuestionPro - Zonka Feedback Reminder

6. CX Workflow Automation

In today’s fast-paced business environment, manual handling of customer feedback is not just time-consuming but also prone to delays and errors. Zonka Feedback’s CX workflow automation allows you to automate the entire feedback lifecycle, from survey triggers to task assignments. This streamlining is a game-changer for companies looking to enhance their customer experience management. Here’s how it works:

  • Automated Survey Triggers: Zonka Feedback allows you to automate survey deployment based on specific customer actions, such as after a purchase or service interaction. This ensures timely feedback collection without any manual intervention.
  • AI Sentiment CX Workflows: The platform analyzes customer sentiment in real-time, automatically routing urgent issues to the appropriate teams. This ensures that any negative feedback is dealt with promptly, helping to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Task Assignment & Labeling: Zonka Feedback can automatically tag and categorize feedback, whether it’s a suggestion, complaint, or praise. From there, tasks are assigned to the right teams, ensuring no feedback slips through the cracks. This automation not only saves time but also makes sure that customer concerns are addressed quickly.

Migrating from QuestionPro - Zonka Feedback AI Sentiment Workflow

7. AI Sentiment Analysis

Understanding the why behind feedback is critical for improving customer experience, and Zonka Feedback’s AI sentiment analysis goes beyond surface-level data collection. It uncovers the emotions behind customer responses helping you transform it into actionable insights helping you better understand and cater to your customers’ needs. Here are some more features that you get with its smart AI.

  • AI-Powered Sentiment Reports: With comprehensive sentiment reports, Zonka Feedback helps you track shifts in customer emotions over time. You can easily spot trends, recurring issues, or areas where you’re consistently receiving positive feedback.
  • Automated Response Tagging: Instead of manually tagging responses based on themes or sentiment, Zonka Feedback’s AI handles it for you. Feedback is automatically categorized, allowing you to focus on action rather than organization.
  • Multi-Language Sentiment Analysis: For global businesses, Zonka Feedback’s AI can analyze feedback in multiple languages without losing the nuance of sentiment, making it a robust solution for companies with an international customer base.

05 Image - Sentiment - Negative & Positive-1

8. Advanced Reporting & Analytics

Collecting feedback is only the first step. Turning raw data into actionable insights is where Zonka Feedback truly excels. Its advanced reporting and analytics features provide you with the insights you need to understand customer feedback at a granular level.

  • Snapshot Reports: Zonka Feedback provides real-time summaries of critical metrics such as NPS scores, response rates, and customer satisfaction levels. These snapshot reports offer a high-level view for quick decision-making.
  • Trends Reports: With historical trends reports, you can track long-term changes in customer sentiment and satisfaction. This allows you to spot recurring issues and address them before they escalate.
  • Page Report Analytics: In addition to standard feedback reports, Zonka Feedback offers detailed page report analytics. This feature allows you to monitor customer interactions on specific web pages and pinpoint areas where users may be dropping off or experiencing friction.
  • Multi-Location Reporting: For organizations operating in multiple locations, Zonka Feedback’s multi-location reports are invaluable. You can compare feedback from different branches or regions, identifying strong and weak areas and tailoring your strategies accordingly.

Switching from QuestionPro - Zonka Feedback Page Report

Impact from Switching to Zonka Feedback for TAJBank

Since adopting Zonka Feedback, TAJBank has experienced substantial improvements in both feedback collection and operational efficiency. These results demonstrate the platform’s ability to enhance customer experience management through real-time insights and smarter decisions.

1. 7,000+ Responses Captured

With Zonka Feedback, TAJBank was able to significantly increase the volume of feedback captured. Over 7,000 responses were gathered, giving them comprehensive data to drive smarter business decisions. This influx of feedback enabled TAJBank to better understand their customers' and employees' needs, making data-driven choices that positively impacted both user satisfaction and internal operations.

2. 80% Survey Completion Rate

TAJBank saw an impressive boost in their survey completion rates, reaching an 80% success rate. This sharp increase in engagement, both from employees and customers, was largely due to Zonka Feedback’s automated reminders and easy-to-complete surveys. The higher response rate provided more meaningful and actionable insights, helping the bank to make faster improvements.

3. Boost in Employee and Customer Satisfaction

The real-time feedback and quick resolution of issues significantly improved satisfaction across the board. With Zonka Feedback’s instant analysis and actionable insights, TAJBank was able to address customer and employee concerns more efficiently, leading to heightened satisfaction and a more positive perception of the bank's services and workplace culture.

4. Operational Efficiency and Data Insights

Zonka Feedback’s streamlined data reporting and automation features empowered TAJBank to act quickly on insights. By improving operational efficiency, the bank could not only enhance service quality but also make strategic decisions with greater agility. The ability to quickly extract and analyze data played a crucial role in refining their processes and delivering an overall better customer experience.

What to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Survey Software Alternative?

While it is given that your survey software must be easy to use, offer customization and flexibility to drive real, actionable insights, here’s what else you should consider to ensure the best fit for your organization’s needs:

  • Integration with Existing Tools: Your survey software should seamlessly integrate with the tools your team already uses, such as CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and project management tools. This ensures that feedback data flows easily into your existing workflows, making it simpler to take action on insights.
  • Scalability: As your organization grows, so will your feedback needs. Choose a survey solution that can scale with your business, handling larger volumes of responses and offering advanced features that accommodate expanding teams and more complex survey requirements.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Ensuring the safety and privacy of your respondents' data is critical, especially in industries with strict compliance regulations. Look for survey software that offers strong data encryption, GDPR compliance, and other security features to protect sensitive information.
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Collecting feedback is only half the battle; you also need powerful reporting tools to analyze it. Opt for software with robust reporting features, including real-time analytics, customizable dashboards, and the ability to create actionable reports tailored to different stakeholders within your organization.
  • Multichannel Survey Distribution: To capture feedback from a diverse audience, choose a platform that supports multichannel survey distribution. Whether via email, SMS, website pop-ups, or mobile apps, having the flexibility to reach respondents across multiple channels increases response rates and ensures you gather feedback from every touchpoint.
  • Automation Capabilities: Automation can significantly streamline the feedback process, saving time and improving efficiency. Look for survey software that offers automation features like sending reminders to respondents, triggering surveys after specific events (e.g., purchases), and automating follow-up actions based on feedback.
  • AI-Driven Personalization: Consider survey tools that leverage AI to create personalized experiences for respondents. AI can help tailor surveys based on respondent behavior or preferences, increasing engagement and delivering more accurate feedback. This feature is particularly useful for businesses looking to deliver hyper-relevant surveys to different audience segments.
  • Customer Support and Resources: Even the most intuitive software can have a learning curve. Ensure the survey tool provider offers excellent customer support, including live chat, a knowledge base, and training resources, so your team can get the most out of the software.


TAJBank’s switch to Zonka Feedback highlights that optimizing customer and employee satisfaction requires more than traditional survey tools—it demands a powerful, flexible, and automated feedback platform. By leveraging Zonka Feedback’s customized surveys, real-time analytics, and workflow automation, TAJBank captured deeper insights, increased response rates, and enhanced overall satisfaction across multiple touchpoints.

Zonka Feedback’s powerful features, like AI text analysis, omni-channel feedback collection, and advanced reporting, enable you to turn feedback into actionable strategies. These capabilities along with the ones discussed above help you improve decision-making, streamline operations, and ultimately drive both customer loyalty and business growth.

Ready to elevate your feedback process and transform customer experience? Start your 14-day free trial or schedule a demo to see how Zonka Feedback can help you achieve smarter, data-driven success!


Written by Kanika

Oct 22, 2024

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