List of Site Safety Inspection Form Questions
The following questions are included in this Site Safety Inspection Form Template.
- Project Name
- What are your current hazards? Check all that apply.
- Date
- General Items
- OSHA 300 forms posted and completed (1 year+ project only)
- Please mention in the comment box below
- OSHA poster posted?
- Inspected By
- Weekly safety meetings up to date?
- Phone number of the nearest medical center posted?
- Work area properly signed and barricaded?
- First aid supplies readily available?
- Is a treatment center for injuries located within 15 min of project?
- Are telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, and ambulances posted conspicuously?
- Are toilet facilities adequate and clean for the project?
- Emergency action plan is developed and key personal have been trained
- Additional comments
- House Keeping
- General neatness of work areas are acceptable?
- Projecting nails have been pulled/ bent over?
- Waste containers provided and being used?
- Passageways and walkways are clear?
- Temporary lighting is in place, all areas are properly illuminated?
- Additional comments
- Fire Prevention
- Is fire prevention a current risk? If not, click no and hit next at the bottom of the page.
- Adequate fire extinguishers, checked and accessible?
- Flammable liquids properly stored?
- "No Smoking" posted and enforced near flammable liquids?
- Material Handling
- Material is properly stored?
- Employees are using proper lifting techniques?
- Proper amount of manpower to perform lifts?
- Equipment operator (forklift/ crane) has documentation of training.
- Tag lines are being used to guide loads?
- Is a written Hazard Communication Program on site including SDS, materials list, container labeling, employee training?
- Is there an exposure to silica, such as sandblasting, using sand or cutting brick controlled?
- Fall Protection
- Safety rails and cables are secured properly? If cable, flagged every 6'?
- Are employees exposed to a fall hazard tied off?
- Are employees working more than 6' protected by guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest system?
- Are flights of stairs with 4 or more steps equipped with stair railing or hand rails?
- Additional comments
- Fall Protection
- Ladders
- Ladders are secure to prevent slipping, sliding, or falling?
- Base of ladder is 1' away from surface for every 4' to the top?
- Ladder side rails extend at least 3' above the upper landing surface to which the ladder is used to gain access.
- Ladders with split or missing rungs taken out of service?
- Stepladders used in fully open position?
- Is there anyone standing on the top two rungs of a step ladder?
- Additional comments
- Fall Protection
- Scaffolding
- Is there scaffolding onsite? If not, click no and next at the bottom of this page and the following page.
- Erection properly supervised?
- All scaffolding inspected daily?
- Erected on sound rigid footing with mudsills in place?
- Scaffolding is tied to structure as required?
- Is the scaffolding plum and square with the connections sound and secure?
- Are guardrails, intermediate rails, toe boards, and screens in place?
- Is the planking properly overlapped with being sound and secure?
- Planking is free of debris, ice and snow?
- Proper access provided?
- Employees below are protected from falling objects?
- Material stored on scaffolding do not exceed supplies needed for immediate use?
- Is there an overhead electrical exposure?
- Additional comments
- Caught-In or Between
- Trenches, Excavation, and Shoring
- Is there any trenching, excavation, or shoring being performed on your project? If not, click no and next at the bottom of the page.
- Competent person on hand inspecting daily?
- Excavations over 5' in depth are shored or sloped back.
- Materials and soils are stored at least 2' away from trench?
- Equipment is a safe distance from edge of trench or excavation?
- Ladders provided every 25' in trench more than 4' deep?
- Have the underground utilities been located?
- Cave-in protections
- Excavations barricaded?
- Adjacent structures shored?
- Additional comments
- Struck By Hazards
- Hand, Power, and Powder Actuated Tools
- Hand tools inspected daily? Broken handles and mushroom heads?
- Guards in place on machines? Such as saws?
- Correct tool being used for the job at hand?
- Operators of powder actuated tools have been trained?
- Struck by Hazards
- Floor and wall openings
- All floor openings are planked over or barricaded?
- Perimeter protection is in place? Toe kick?
- Deck planks are secured?
- Materials are stored away from edge?
- Additional comments
- Struck By/ Airborne Hazards
- Concrete and Masonry Construction
- All employees are protected from cement dust?
- Dust control being used? Such as Hepavac System?
- Are all protruding reinforcing rods covered?
- Limited access zone established during masonry wall construction?
- Is lockout/ tag out procedure in place on any machinery where inadvertent operation could cause injury?
- Struck by Hazards
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Are hardhats being worn?
- Please mention in the comment box below:
- Safety glasses/ face shields being worn when required?
- Please mention in the comment box below:
- Respirators are being used when required?
- Hearing protection being used when required?
- High visual traffic vests being worn when required?
- Struck by Hazards
- Vehicles
- Do vehicles/ earth moving/ compacting equipment with an obstructed view to the rear have a back up alarm or used with an observer?
- Do vehicles/ earth moving equipment have seats belts and are they being used?
- Are flagmen wearing high visual reflective garments and using flags, sign paddles, or lights?
- Glass on vehicle/ equipment is in good condition? *
- Please mention in the comment box below
- Electrical
- Extension cords with bare wires or missing ground prongs or damaged have been taken out of service?
- Ground fault circuit interrupters being used?
- Terminal boxes equipped with required covers?
- Are flexible cords and cables protected from damage?
- Are unused openings in cabinet boxes and fittings closed?
- Are all cabinets, panels and switches located in wet locations enclosed in weather proof enclosures?
- Electrical dangers are posted?
- Access to breaker boxes are clear?
- Lockout/ tag out procedures being used?
- Overhead lines protection?
- Power tools are grounded/ double insulated?
- Cords for power tools are in good condition?
- Additional comments (if any)
- Cranes
- Is there a crane onsite?
- Outriggers are extended and swing radius barricade is in place?
- Operator is familiar with load charts?
- Crane operators logs, including all inspections are up to date?
- Please mention your comments below
- Employees kept for under suspended loads?
- Chains and sling inspected and tagged as required?
- Hand signal charts are on crane?
- Email report to
- Add Photos and Submit
- Upload Photos
- Email report to