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Zonka Feedback gets smarter with AI: Build smarter surveys, unlock deeper insights ➝

Product Survey Template

With a Product Survey Template, start measuring your customers’ experiences with your product, and get insights into users’ expectations to build better product experiences.

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Product Surveys allow your users to share feedback about their experiences with your product. With Zonka Feedback's versatile product survey template, you can collect customer feedback, measure satisfaction, get bug reports, and gauge the experience of your product users to know the challenges they might face and resolve them to create better experiences.

Questions Included in the Product Survey Template

This product survey template includes the following questions to gather user insights about your product and their experiences with it.

  1. 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product
  2. 2. How well does our product meet your expectations?
    • Not Well at all
    • Slightly Well
    • Moderately Well
    • Very Well
    • Extremely Well
  3. 3. How easy is it to use our product?
    • Very Difficult
    • Somewhat Difficult
    • Neutral
    • Somewhat Easy
    • Very Easy
  4. 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the features and functionalities of our product.
  5. 5. Please rate the following aspects - Product quality, customer support, value for money, purchase experience
    • Product quality
      • Very Poor
      • Poor
      • Average
      • Good 
      • Excellent
    • Customer support
      • Very Poor
      • Poor
      • Average
      • Good 
      • Excellent
    • Value for money
      • Very Poor
      • Poor
      • Average
      • Good 
      • Excellent
    • Purchase experience
      • Very Poor
      • Poor
      • Average
      • Good 
      • Excellent
  6. 6. Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?
  7. 7. Is there anything else you would like to share or suggest about our product?

You can easily customize this sample product survey template and include the questions of your choice depending on the nature of your product and the information you want to capture. Here are some suggestions of questions of product survey that you can consider to add in your product survey.

  1. 1. How frequently do you use our product?
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Occasionally
    • Rarely
    • Never used
  2. 2. What specific features of our product do you find most valuable or useful?
    (Open-ended question)
  3. 3. Are there any features or functionalities you feel are lacking in our product?
    (Open-ended question)
  4. 4. Have you encountered any issues while using the product so far?
    (Open-ended question)
  5. 5. How would you rate the user interface and overall design of the product?
    • Excellent
    • Good
    • Average
    • Bad
    • Poor

You can tailor these questions as per your survey needs and the functionalities of your product.

How to use Zonka Feedback's Free Product Survey Template

Unlock valuable insights into your product offerings with our Product Survey Template. Follow these steps to use this template and capture user insights about your product.

  1. Edit this template: Click on 'Edit this Template' to enter the Product Survey Template. This will lead you to the editing interface.
  2. Customize to Fit Your Needs: Once in editing mode, tailor the template to meet your specific product-related inquiries. Add, remove or modify the questions as per your survey requirements and the specific touchpoints of the user journey where you want to trigger the survey. For instance, an issue had been raised by the customer, and now it has been fixed, Here you can include a question like “How satisfied are you with the issue resolution process?”.
  3. Review the survey: Take a moment to review the customized product survey. Confirm that the survey questions align clearly with your product attributes. Adjust the flow to match your product lifecycle and the touchpoints of the use journey to ensure customers easily comprehend and respond to the survey.
  4. Share the Survey: Select the method that best suits your customer interaction preferences. You can opt for various distribution channels such as:
    • Use In-app or in-product surveys while the customers are using your product
    • Use popup surveys and slide-up surveys for measuring product feedback during the customer journey or after a certain time has elapsed. For example, every quarter, or after the user has used the product for 1-2 months and so on, or after their onboarding period.
    • Send email surveys to take product feedback every quarter or bi-yearly so customers can respond at their convenience. Also, you can trigger email surveys at various touchpoints of the user journey
    • You can also use SMS surveys to trigger at certain touchpoints

The flexibility of the Zonka Feedback survey tool allows you to tailor this template to your specific requirements and adapt the feedback survey to evolving product needs. Effortlessly add or remove questions to remain responsive to the dynamics of your product offerings. Leverage this potent survey tool to gather honest feedback from customers and consistently enhance your product performance.

Key Features of Product Survey Template 

Crafting impactful product surveys can be a daunting task. You need the right platform to simplify the process, collect valuable data, and translate insights into actionable decisions. That's where Zonka Feedback swoops in, armed with a powerful arsenal of features to elevate your product survey game.

  1. Customizable Template: Elevate your survey game with this pre-built template designed for diverse purposes—from capturing product feedback to bug reporting. You can add, remove, or modify any question of the template to suit your survey requirements and the touchpoint at which you want to survey your product users. 
  2. Automated Workflows: Zonka Feedback streamlines your user journey by implementing automated workflows. Trigger surveys seamlessly at various touchpoints, ensuring you capture valuable insights at the right moments throughout the user experience.
  3. Automatic Response Alerts and Notifications: Stay ahead of the curve with Zonka's automatic response alerts and notifications. Receive instant alerts for incoming customer feedback or negative responses, empowering you to address concerns promptly and enhance customer satisfaction.
  4. Multiple Channel Distribution: Reach your audience wherever they are with Zonka's multiple-channel distribution. Distribute surveys seamlessly through in-product interfaces, your website, email, or SMS, providing flexibility and convenience for your users.
  5. Actionable Feedback Loop: Zonka Feedback goes beyond data collection by offering an actionable feedback loop. Take informed actions on received feedback, closing the loop effectively and ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement for your company's products based on user insights. 
    With Zonka Feedback by your side, crafting impactful product surveys becomes a breeze, paving the way for a deeper understanding of your customers and a thriving product that exceeds expectations.

Question Types to Include in Your Product Surveys

When constructing your product survey, employing a variety of question types is crucial for extracting thorough insights from your target audience. Explore diverse question formats to craft a well-rounded survey.

1. CSAT Rating Questions

CSAT surveys are a great way to measure the satisfaction of your customers. CSAT survey question works on a five-point rating scale and the response options can be represented in various forms and rating scales like adjectives from Excellent to Poor, self-explanatory smileys, star-rating, numbers, and more. Explore options like:

Clearly defined and consistent scales, such as 1 to 5, empower users to effortlessly convey their satisfaction levels.

2. Open-ended Questions

Uncover in-depth insights into users' product experiences by posing open-ended questions. Encourage respondents to share feedback regarding the ‘why’ behind the way they rate your product and its various aspects, and capture complaints, suggestions, and special experiences your product users might want to share.

Analyzing open-ended responses provides a deeper understanding of user sentiments, helping identify areas for improvement and meeting customer expectations.

3. Multiple Choice Questions

Streamline feedback collection with efficient multiple-choice questions. Offer single or multiple response options, incorporate ranking questions to gauge preferences, and organize the survey for standardized analysis.

Here is one example of a multiple-choice question.

Among these features, which ones do you feel are most useful and valuable?

  • Feature A
  • Feature B
  • Feature C
  • Feature D

In the above question, there can be multiple answers as per the user’s choice. So it is good to give checkboxes to allow the respondents to choose multiple answers.

Product Survey Template FAQs

  • 1. What is a Product Survey Template?

    A Product Survey Template is a pre-designed set of questions and formats to gather feedback from users about their experiences with a specific product. It allows businesses to collect feedback with valuable insights, measure customer satisfaction, and identify areas for improvement.

  • 2. What kind of product survey templates does Zonka Feedback offer?

    Zonka Feedback offers a diverse range of pre-built survey templates designed for various purposes. These templates cater to capturing product feedback, bug reporting, and measuring customer satisfaction through metric surveys like NPS, CSAT, and CES. These versatile templates are crafted to help you gather valuable insights from your users effortlessly.

  • 3. Can I customize the prebuilt templates?

    Yes, absolutely! Zonka Feedback allows you to customize the pre-built templates according to your specific product-related inquiries. Once you enter the editing interface, you can easily add, remove, or modify questions based on your survey requirements. This customization feature ensures that the survey aligns perfectly with your unique product characteristics and goals.

  • 4. Can I create my own survey template?

    Yes, you have the flexibility to create your own survey template. Zonka Feedback provides a user-friendly interface where you can craft a personalized survey template tailored to your specific product and information needs. Utilize a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, star-rating, and open-ended questions, to create a survey that captures comprehensive insights from your users.

  • 5. What distribution channels can I use for sharing the product survey?

    Zonka Feedback offers multiple distribution channels to share your product survey. You can choose from in-app or in-product surveys, email surveys triggered at various touchpoints, and SMS surveys. This flexibility allows you to reach your audience through channels that align with your customer interaction preferences.

  • 6. How do I review and analyze the results of my product survey?

    Reviewing and analyzing survey results is seamless with Zonka Feedback. Access the survey data through the Zonka Feedback dashboard, where you can visualize survey responses, identify trends, and derive actionable insights. The platform provides effective analysis tools, making it easy to understand user feedback and make informed decisions to enhance your product based on the collected insights.

  • 7. Can I try it for free?

    Yes, Zonka Feedback offers a free trial period of 7 days for you to explore and experience the features of our product survey tool. Sign up for a free trial to access the template, customize it to your needs, and start collecting valuable feedback from your users.

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