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Use Zonka Feedback to Deliver Exception Customer Experience (CX)

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5 Reasons Why Customer Experience Matters The Most In 2024

One bad experience.


They're gone. 

Did you know that a staggering 50% of customers will abandon a business after a single negative experience?

This reality underscores the critical role customer experience (CX) plays in enterprise success. No wonder every boardroom discussion revolves around the reasons why customer experience matters. 

Customer experience is a key differentiator that can augment the growth of your business. Well, enhanced customer experience can help you to earn an enviable reputation as a brand across the market.

CX goes beyond mere service – it's the orchestration of the entire customer journey. Positive experiences cultivate brand loyalty and advocacy, while negative ones can cripple your enterprise's reputation and growth. 

In this blog, we'll explore how exceptional CX unlocks opportunities for differentiation, growth, and long-term success in your competitive market.


  • Customer experience is the perception a customer has with a brand through each interaction across the customer journey. 
  • A positive customer experience has the power to not just make the customer happy and satisfied but also bring them back and turn them into brand advocates. 
  • A negative experience, on the other hand, can not just lead to abandonment but also attract bad word of mouth, leading to a negative image, and reduced churn, ultimately, negatively impacting the sales. 
  • We have talked about the top 5 reasons why customer experience matters, now more than ever, for businesses across all industries and scales. 
  • Zonka Feedback is a comprehensive AI-powered customer experience software and feedback management system that allows businesses to improve their CX at every touchpoint by leveraging customer insights. Sign up for a free 14-day trial or talk to our CX consultants to get a demo of the product.  

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5 Reasons You Should Invest in Customer Experience Today

Imagine Sarah, a busy professional who relies on your cloud storage service.  She wakes up one morning to error messages and lost files. Frustrated, she spends hours on hold waiting for customer support, only to be met with unhelpful responses.  The experience leaves her stressed and questioning her choice in using your service.  By the end of the week, Sarah has switched to a competitor.

This scenario, unfortunately, plays out too often.  One bad experience can cost you a loyal customer. But the good news is, prioritizing customer experience (CX) can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line.

Studies show that increasing customer satisfaction by just 5% can lead to a profit increase of up to 85%.  

Let's look at the 5 major reasons why customer experience matters the most today. 

why customer experience matters (1)

1. To Ensure Sustainable Business Growth

Every business owner commences business with the motive to earn great revenue and profit. Ultimately the business growth comes from customers, so it matters a lot how your customer perceives your product/service or brand. When it comes to customer experience, customers expect something astoundingly exceptional.

Around 75% of customers expect to have a reliable user experience with the brands through any platform (social media, mobile, or personal).

Enhancing CX has become the need of the hour to survive in the competitive market. If you deliver the out-of-the-box experience in the form of product/service and other customer support services, they are ready to pay you more.

86% of buyers are likely to pay more for a better CX. In addition to this, CX is expected to be the key differentiator, overtaking the price of the product. As a brand, if you achieve excellence in serving high-end CX, it cannot only leave you with a better conversion rate but also ensure you with sustainable business growth.

💡Companies that have systematically been leaders in the customer experience have shown to receive far better results in terms of growth and profitability when compared to those that did not. 
Source: Watermark Consulting

2. To Strengthen Your Customer Relationship

Exceptional customer experience can not only bring growth with it but also augment the customer relationship with you as a brand. To build lasting customer relationship, you need to deliver an impeccable product/service that provides high customer satisfaction. If you treat your customers with exceptional CX, they will spread a good word of mouth and levitate your brand image in the market and help you expand the customer base.

Different researchers have claimed that a customer who is satisfied with their experience with a product or a service in one company would rarely prefer to switch to a different brand.

If you want to strengthen your relationship with your customers, then take regular feedback. Taking feedback regularly is the best practice that provides you with the opportunity to stay in touch with your customers.

In fact, 70% of companies that deliver exceptional customer experience use customer feedback.

In fact, 70% of companies that deliver exceptional customer experience use customer feedback.

If you regularly track customer experience through feedback, it can help you to revamp your product/service according to their requirements and improve your customer relationship.

3. To Increase Customer Loyalty and Retention

The customer retention rate affects the profit potential of the business. If your customer retention rate is high, it will also augment revenue as well as the profit rate. Thus, if you want to improve your customer loyalty and retention rate, then you should for sure invest in Customer Experience. Usually, customers want quality-grade products/services at an optimal price, but if you are providing the same along with the extra value, they are willing to pay more for the same products/services. This, in turn, enhances both your conversion and profit rate.

💡A 5% rise in customer retention rate increases by 25% to 95% profits. Thus, retaining your lost customers can augment your profit rate drastically.
Source: Frederick Reichheld (inventor of NPS)

The Digital Trends 2018 report by Adobe highlights optimizing customer experience as the single most exciting opportunity for the coming year. So, if you want to improve your CX efficiency, then start taking regular customer feedback because a healthy & positive feedback history ensures high customer loyalty and retention rate.

4. To Make Better Business Decisions

Customer feedback is like killing two birds with one stone. If you regularly take customer feedback, first, it will help you to keep your eye on customers’ customized requirements and fulfill them. Secondly, it helps you to improve the user experience of your customers. The data collected from the feedback is actionable data that can help you track the customized requirements of your customers (promoters, detractors, and passives) and fulfill them quickly without any delay. This will further help you to take quick and precise business decisions without investing more resources and time. This, in turn, ensures innovation and better branding.

5. To Reduce Customer Churn Rate

To achieve the sustainable growth of the business, you need to understand the concept of Customer Churn Rate. It is not the happiest measure, but crucial metrics to evaluate the growing business. Simply put, it refers to the percentage of customers that stopped using your product/service during a certain period. For instance, if you start your quarter with 600 customers and end at 580, your churn rate is 5% because you lost 5% of your customers.

If you deliver your customers with exceptional customer experience, they can pay you more and will not prefer to switch to a different brand. Thus, exceptional CX cannot only reduce the customer churn rate but also elevate overall business growth and success.

6. To Leverage The AI Revolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming customer interactions. Chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 support and personalized experiences.

AI isn't here to replace human interaction – it's here to supercharge your CX strategy by offering:

  • 24/7 Availability: AI-powered chatbots can provide instantaneous support, answering basic questions, resolving common issues, and directing customers to the appropriate resources – even outside of business hours.
  • Personalized Experiences: AI can analyze customer data to personalize interactions  – from product recommendations to tailored support options. Imagine a customer receiving proactive chat messages reminding them to renew an expiring subscription or offering assistance based on their recent browsing history.
  • Predictive Service:  AI can analyze past interactions and predict customer needs. This allows for proactive outreach, such as offering troubleshooting tips before a customer encounters an issue or suggesting solutions based on their past experiences.
  • Sentiment Analysis: AI can analyze customer interactions across channels to understand sentiment. This can help you identify areas for improvement and address customer concerns before they escalate.  Imagine automatically detecting frustration in a customer's chat and routing them to a human agent for immediate intervention.
  • Simplifying Complex Tasks: AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your human customer service team to focus on more complex issues and provide personalized, empathetic support.

AI is a powerful tool and is seeping into every aspect of customer experience.

By strategically integrating AI into your CX strategy, you can create a seamless and delightful customer experience, fostering loyalty and driving business growth.


Every organization and business-unit should keep one thing in mind that ‘Customer is King’. If you are giving priority to your customers and their requirements, then you are on the right track. It is only your customers who can help you to earn an enviable reputation across the market. To boost the satisfaction level of your customers always create high-end product/service solutions.

You can easily one of the best CX tools like Zonka Feedback to automate your customer experience management

You can collect customer insights at the moment across every touchpoint in the customer journey. To further streamline the data, it offers real-time reports and even sends alerts to route feedback to the required person. 

It offers powerful AI feedback analytics that details customer emotions, sentiments, intent, urgency, and much more. With this actionable insight at hand, any business can improve customer experience strategically. 

You can also try Zonka Feedback for free for 7 days or schedule a demo to get a walkthrough of our product with our CX experts. 


Written by Swati

Jul 05, 2024

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