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Transform Customer Experience with Actionable Insights

Utilize Zonka Feedback to transform customer feedback management. Leverage AI insights, workflow automation and seamless integration with business tools to enhance customer satisfaction.

Migrating from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback SmartBuyGlasses Success Story

Why did SmartBuyGlasses migrate from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback to increase their NPS & transform customer experience?

Imagine this: Your company is growing rapidly, expanding into new markets, and serving a global audience. You rely on customer feedback to drive product improvements, but your current customer experience software isn’t keeping up with your needs. Multilingual surveys are a headache, response rates are low, and feedback processing takes too long.

This is exactly the challenge SmartBuyGlasses faced. As a global leader in online eyewear retail, they needed a feedback system that could handle their diverse customer base while helping them improve key metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS). Their existing survey tool, SurveyMonkey, couldn’t offer the level of flexibility and automation needed to fully support their growing global operations.

That’s when they turned to Zonka Feedback, a solution that offered streamlined feedback collection, multilingual support, and advanced analytics. Rafael, Head of Customer Service at SmartBuyGlasses shared:

We needed a system that could handle everything efficiently and help us focus on improving the customer experience. Zonka Feedback did exactly that.

The impact was clear: a significant jump in NPS, faster feedback analysis, and a more customer-centric approach to decision-making.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through SmartBuyGlasses’ transformation and how Zonka Feedback helped them optimize their feedback process for global growth. You'll also see how it can fit your needs if you're considering migrating from SurveyMonkey. Let’s dive in!

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When SmartBuyGlasses Migrated from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback

While SurveyMonkey is popular for its simplicity, it may not always meet the needs of growing businesses with complex feedback processes. Companies like SmartBuyGlasses, which operate across global markets, often find SurveyMonkey’s limitations in areas like multilingual surveys, customization, and real-time integration with other tools like Google Sheets to be a challenge.

“Zonka Feedback has transformed the way we collect and use customer feedback. It’s more flexible than SurveyMonkey, and the ease of designing multilingual surveys has saved us so much time. We've seen our NPS steadily increase, especially in the prescription glasses segment.” Rafael, Head of Customer Service at SmartBuyGlasses.

Many user reviews on G2 mention similar challenges, with feedback pointing to its rigidity in handling more advanced requirements, especially for businesses looking for deeper insights and better automation. Let us look at the concerns SmartBuyGlasses had in their experience of using SurveyMonkey.

Major Challenges with SurveyMonkey 

SurveyMonkey is known for its user-friendly interface and versatile survey creation options. While ideal for small to medium-sized companies, growing businesses that need more advanced automation or deeper analytics may find these features limiting as their feedback processes evolve. Let us look at some major concerns that SmartBuyGlasses faced while using this online survey tool as their feedback collection tool.

a. Limited Customization and Flexibility

SurveyMonkey is often praised for its simplicity, but many businesses find it lacks the customization and flexibility needed for more complex feedback processes. User reviews frequently highlight frustrations with rigid survey designs, making it difficult to tailor questions or formats to meet specific business needs.

For SmartBuyGlasses, this was a pressing issue. As they expanded globally, they needed more flexibility in designing multilingual surveys and adapting them to the diverse needs of their international customer base. SurveyMonkey’s limited capabilities made it cumbersome to manage separate versions for each language, resulting in inefficiencies.

b. Limited Multilingual Support

While SurveyMonkey offers basic multilingual functionality, many users mention the tool’s limitations when it comes to handling complex multilingual feedback processes. Reviews on G2 frequently express the challenges of having to create separate surveys for each language, adding time and complexity to an already difficult task.

For instance, in case of SmartBuyGlasses, operating in multiple markets meant that creating different surveys for each region was not only inefficient but also increased the risk of inconsistencies in feedback collection.

c. Lack of Advanced Automation Features

SurveyMonkey’s automation capabilities are often considered too basic for businesses with complex needs. The absence of advanced automation features, such as automatic follow-ups, triggered actions based on responses, or seamless integrations with customer service tools, can create operational inefficiencies.

When SmartBuyGlasses expanded their customer base across different regions, the manual effort required to process and act on feedback slowed down their ability to make real-time improvements. They needed a more automated system to close feedback loops quickly and ensure they were consistently responding to customer needs.

d. Basic Reporting and Analysis

SurveyMonkey’s basic reporting features also presented challenges when it came to analyzing feedback at scale. Many users on G2 highlight the time-consuming nature of sorting through feedback manually, especially for companies handling large volumes of data.

For SmartBuyGlasses, manually categorizing feedback through Google Sheets added unnecessary delays in their ability to respond to customer concerns. They needed a customer feedback tool that could streamline the process and provide real-time insights, which was ultimately one of the reasons they chose Zonka Feedback.

e. Limited Scalability for Enterprise Needs

As companies grow, their feedback collection needs become more complex, and SurveyMonkey can struggle to scale up. User reviews on G2 frequently cite its limitations in handling large volumes of feedback and managing more sophisticated feedback programs across departments and regions.

For SmartBuyGlasses, this limitation became clear as they expanded their global operations. SurveyMonkey couldn’t provide the level of scalability they needed to efficiently manage their growing feedback ecosystem. 

Migrtaing from SurveyMonkey - SmartbuyGlasses

How is Zonka Feedback an Ideal Alternative to SurveyMonkey?

Zonka Feedback offers a comprehensive, flexible, and user-friendly solution that outperforms SurveyMonkey in key areas, especially for global businesses like SmartBuyGlasses. Let’s dive into the features that make Zonka Feedback one of the most powerful SurveyMonkey alternatives for your business:

1. Multilingual Capabilities and Customization

Zonka Feedback’s ability to create multilingual surveys is a game-changer for global organizations. With a built-in translation feature, you can easily deploy surveys in multiple languages without duplicating efforts. This saves time and ensures consistency in feedback across various regions. The flexibility allows you to customize surveys for different market needs, ensuring cultural relevancy while gathering valuable insights from diverse customer bases.

Customization options also provide added flexibility including:

  • Question Types & Logic: You can add various question types (multiple-choice, rating scales, open-ended questions, etc.) and apply advanced logic (like skip logic or conditional branching) to tailor the flow of surveys based on responses.
  • Custom Branding: Branding options enable you to add company logos, adjust colors, and personalize the survey's appearance to align with your brand identity.
  • Response Customization: You can tailor response options to meet different feedback goals—be it customer feedback, employee surveys, or product feedback ensuring relevance to your audience.

Migrating from SurveyMonkey: Skip Logic

2. Seamless Integration with Business Tools

One of Zonka Feedback's most powerful features is its seamless integration with a variety of business tools including CRMs, helpdesks, and collaboration tools. By syncing customer feedback directly into the support workflow, this integration ensures that feedback—whether it's from NPS or CSAT surveys—can be acted upon instantly.

SmartBuyGlasses’ support team benefited greatly by integrating Zonka Feedback with Google Sheets. This setup enabled real-time access to feedback and NPS insights within their workflow, allowing the team to quickly track trends and respond to customer concerns. Automating feedback entry helped them promptly address detractors, improving both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Additional integration options include:

  • CRM Integrations: Zonka Feedback connects with Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho, making it easy to link feedback with customer profiles.
  • Email & Marketing Tools: Integrations with tools like Mailchimp allow for automated survey distribution within email campaigns.
  • Zapier & Webhooks: Automate workflows and enable real-time data sharing between platforms for seamless feedback handling across tools like Slack, Trello, and Microsoft Teams.

Migrating from SurveyMonkey - Zonka Feedback Integrations

3. Real-Time Feedback and Task Assignment

In fast-paced businesses, managing customer feedback effectively can make all the difference. Zonka Feedback's real-time task assignment feature automates this, ensuring that feedback is observed in real-time and addressed by the right team. It eliminates the need for manual sorting, turning feedback into actionable tasks instantly.

For SmartBuyGlasses, this system proved invaluable. Their team could quickly act on feedback, particularly through integration with Google Sheets, which offered live updates on NPS scores and pressing concerns. This ensured that no critical feedback slipped through the cracks.

Switching from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback

4. Automated Workflows

Automated workflows help you efficiently manage and respond to feedback in real-time without overwhelming your teams. For instance, SmartBuyGlasses set up automated workflows using Zonka Feedback to ensure that any negative customer feedback was automatically flagged and routed to the relevant teams. This allowed them to address urgent customer concerns promptly, maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction while reducing manual oversight.

Here are additional automation features that you can leverage in Zonka Feedback:

  • Automated Survey Triggers: Automatically trigger surveys post-interaction to gather timely feedback.
  • Custom Workflow Rules: Tailor workflows to escalate issues or send follow-up communications based on feedback results.
  • Team Notifications: Notify team members immediately when specific feedback requires attention.
  • Automated Email & SMS Follow-Ups: Pre-defined responses can be triggered based on feedback, ensuring that concerns are addressed immediately.

SmartBuyGlasses switch from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback - Workflows

5. Advanced Reporting and Analytics

With powerful reporting and analytics tools, turning raw data into actionable insights becomes super easy. The real-time snapshots of key metrics like NPS, CSAT, and response rates helps you to stay updated on your performance. For SmartBuyGlasses, this meant they could track the NPS of their prescription glasses and sunglasses segments separately, helping them focus on areas needing improvement.

Additionally the advanced reporting and analytics feature enable you to get access to:

  • Automated Reporting: Schedule regular reports to be delivered to key stakeholders, ensuring they stay updated without manual effort.
  • Comparative Reports: Compare performance across regions or teams to spot trends and disparities.
  • Role-Based Access: Tailor access to reports depending on team roles, allowing each department to see the metrics most relevant to them.
  • Snapshot Reports: Get real-time summaries of key metrics such as NPS, response rates, and satisfaction levels for quick decision-making.
  • Trend Reports: Monitor long-term shifts in customer sentiment to uncover recurring issues and improvements.

Migrating from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback - Trends Report

6. AI Sentiment Analysis

In today's customer-centric world, understanding how customers feel is crucial to improving service. Zonka Feedback’s AI-powered sentiment analysis does just that, by identifying emotions behind feedback and categorizing responses as positive, negative, or neutral. This feature is a game-changer if you are dealing with high volumes of feedback, especialy in prioritizing issues based on urgency.

Additional AI features that Zonka Feedback offers include:

  • Auto-Tagging: Feedback is automatically tagged based on sentiment and topics, streamlining the categorization process.
  • Text Analysis & Categorization: AI identifies common themes, allowing you to focus on the most critical issues.
  • Smart Alerts & Notifications: Automatically triggers alerts for negative trends, enabling faster responses to potential problems.
  • Language Detection & Translation: Ensures global feedback is accessible by translating and analyzing it in real-time across languages.

Switching from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback - AI Sentiment Analysis

7. Closing the Feedback Loop

Zonka Feedback excels at ensuring that feedback doesn’t just get collected—it gets acted upon. Negative feedback is immediately flagged, and alerts are sent to relevant teams for action. Automated workflows help ensure that customer complaints or suggestions are addressed promptly, thereby improving retention and reducing churn.

With this feature, you can turn feedback into actionable insights and strengthen customer loyalty by showing that you care about customer concerns. For instance, to close the feedback loop once you have conducted the NPS surveys, you can:

  • Segment Responses by NPS Group: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors are categorized to enable personalized actions.
  • Automated Escalation: Detractor feedback is automatically escalated for immediate resolution.
  • Engage Promoters: Encourage Promoters to advocate for your brand by offering exclusive deals or reviews.
  • Automated Response Triggers: Once an issue is resolved, send follow-up surveys to measure customer satisfaction.

Switching from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback - Closing feedback loop

Results from Switching to Zonka Feedback from SurveyMonkey for SmartBuyGlasses

For SmartBuyGlasses, ensuring seamless customer experience across their global markets was essential. Switching from SurveyMonkey to Zonka Feedback marked a pivotal moment in their customer experience (CX) strategy. Zonka Feedback empowered them to gather, analyze, and act on feedback in ways that directly impacted their bottom line and long-term customer loyalty.

Here’s how Zonka Feedback transformed SmartBuyGlasses’ CX strategy:

  • NPS Improvement: Their Net Promoter Score saw a remarkable increase, climbing from 30 to 55 overall, with the prescription glasses segment reaching an NPS of 63. This improvement was driven by a better understanding of customer pain points and quicker resolutions.
  • Increased Survey Response Rates: Thanks to embedded email surveys and Zonka Feedback’s user-friendly interface, SmartBuyGlasses boosted their survey response rate from an initial 4-5% to 8-10%, with a notable increase in customer engagement.
  • Faster Feedback Processing: With seamless integration with Google Sheets, the time spent on collecting and processing feedback drastically reduced. This allowed their team to respond promptly to customer issues, addressing them in real-time.

Beyond these improvements, SmartBuyGlasses underwent a complete shift in their approach to customer satisfaction. Zonka Feedback’s integration with support tickets allowed the team to delve deeper into customer feedback, addressing underlying issues more effectively. This customer-first strategy made feedback a central part of their decision-making process, driving key changes in project prioritization and enhancing their customer service operations.

ROI of Customer Feedback: How to Measure the Impact of a Feedback Tool Upgrade?

Now imagine you have made that big decision and upgraded to a powerful new customer feedback tool that promises advanced features and smooth integrations. You’re excited about the potential, but now comes the most important question: How do you know if the investment is truly paying off? It’s not just about seeing a list of new features; it’s about understanding how this upgrade reshapes the way you listen to your customers and act on their insights.

Measuring the ROI of a feedback tool upgrade goes beyond tracking a few numbers—it’s about uncovering how the tool transforms your feedback loop into a process that’s more efficient, insightful, and profitable. Here’s how to evaluate the true impact:

  • Time Saved on Analysis: One of the first signs of a valuable feedback tool upgrade is the time it saves. With automated sentiment analysis and AI-powered tagging, you can drastically cut down the time spent on sorting through open-ended responses. Think of it like this: What used to take hours, now takes minutes. Calculate these time savings and convert them into cost reductions for your team.
  • Survey Engagement Rates: A great feedback tool makes it easier for customers to respond. Look for improvements in survey completion rates post-upgrade. Did you see a jump from a 5% to an 10% response rate? That uptick means you’re gathering more voices and opinions, giving you richer data to act upon.
  • Impact on Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Beyond NPS, check for changes in Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Customer Effort Score (CES). For example, a rise in CSAT could indicate that the upgraded tool’s new features—like personalized survey flows—are resonating with your audience. It’s a subtle but powerful way to see how your feedback collection impacts overall satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: An upgrade to a feedback tool like Zonka Feedback comes with automation capabilities, like routing negative feedback directly to a support team. Monitor if this has led to fewer missed follow-ups and quicker resolutions. The time saved here not only means happier customers but also fewer hours spent on manual follow-ups.
  • New Revenue Opportunities: A powerful feedback tool can also uncover revenue-driving insights. For example, feedback might reveal unmet needs or preferences, allowing you to develop new products or features. If these updates lead to increased upsells or conversions, it’s clear proof that your feedback tool is contributing to growth.
  • Reduced Customer Churn: The best feedback tools don’t just gather data—they help you act on it quickly. Monitor your churn rate after the upgrade and see if timely responses to customer concerns have made a difference. A slight dip in churn rates can translate into substantial long-term revenue retention.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: With enhanced reporting capabilities, your upgraded tool can better align internal teams around customer insights. Regularly share these reports with product, marketing, and customer support teams and observe how it streamlines decision-making. Faster alignment means a quicker path from feedback to product improvement, leading to a smoother customer experience.


Many businesses using SurveyMonkey for customer feedback may eventually find its limitations frustrating, especially when it comes to flexibility, advanced reporting, or integration capabilities. For global companies like SmartBuyGlasses, these challenges hinder growth, driving the need for a more comprehensive solution.

Zonka Feedback provided SmartBuyGlasses with the flexibility, automation, and advanced analytics they needed to streamline their operations and boost NPS. Features like AI text analysis and real-time feedback insights are further helping them transform their feedback process.

If you're facing similar obstacles, Zonka Feedback could be the answer. Ready to make the switch? Sign up for a free trial or schedule a demo today!


Written by Kanika

Oct 16, 2024

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