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Employee Engagement with Quizzes in Webex

While Remote working has become a part of life for many corporate professionals for a couple of years, online meetings and web conferences have been rising. Researches suggest that participation in video calls raised to 60% in 2020. Eventually, the use of web conferencing tools also increased to a large extent.

Companies providing these services are also trying to make the users’ life easier. One such example is the integration of Webex by Cisco and Zonka Feedback. To provide a seamless working experience to its users, Cisco has added a bunch of Embedded Apps. Zonka Feedback also became one of the launching partners of Webex, and both of these companies provided an integrated platform of Zonka for Webex to the users. With Zonka for Webex, the Webex users can create live polls, surveys, and quizzes in online meetings, share them with the attendees, and collect responses during the ongoing session.

One of the major challenges companies face in the remote working environment is keeping the employees engaged. Therefore, it becomes essential for managers and HR professionals to search for ways to keep the employees bonded and engaged when they are physically at different locations. In such a scenario, the functionalities that Zonka for Webex provides are beneficial to establish communication both ways in an online meeting.

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While polls and surveys help collect the views and opinions of meeting attendees, Quizzes are an excellent way to bring team members together and interact with each other from distant locations. In this article, we will learn how Quizzes are beneficial for your business and some best practices you should follow to utilize the incredible benefits of Quizzes and enhance Employee Engagement through them. Before we move forward, let’s first define Employee Engagement.

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee Engagement is the extent to which the employees feel happy about their work, job, and work environment. It basically describes the employees' level of enthusiasm and dedication towards their work and their involvement in achieving common organizational objectives.

Engaged employees know how their work impacts the organizational goals, and their success goals align with the organization’s success. Happy and satisfied employees feel more engaged towards their work. Researches suggest that a workforce of highly engaged employees increases the profitability of the business by around 21%.

How can Live Quizzes Help?

Live Quizzes are a great way to keep the employees engaged and connected to each other, especially in the current scenario when employees are dispersed in different locations and working without being physically together. Although, virtual meetings and video conferences help to connect to each other, but can’t be sure enough that these meetings are making a good difference.

Although 85% of the employees get motivated with robust internal communication systems yet, studies suggest that 38% of the employees feel exhausted after a daily online meeting. But if there is something interactive and engaging in the online sessions from time to time, it can induce the much-needed feeling of enthusiasm and excitement while working remotely. A Quiz can become that interesting element to enhance this feeling and increase Employee Engagement.

Let’s know some benefits of a Live Quiz:

Benefits of Live Quiz

  1. It helps to check the knowledge of employees
  2. It helps to measure trainees’ level of understanding
  3. It can be used as an icebreaker
  4. It helps to check the pulse of the employees
  5. It is helpful in fun activities

Let’s learn more about the advantages of arranging a Live Quiz during your virtual meetings. 

1. It Helps to Check the Knowledge of Employees

Live Quiz is a great way to check your employees' knowledge about any topic. With a live quiz, you can check your employees' knowledge regarding a task, a project, or anything. It will not only help you to know the level of expertise of your employees but will also help to increase their knowledge.

The performance of the employees in the quiz will help you make important decisions like selecting the right person for a specific job or task who has enough knowledge about the topic.

2. It Helps to Check Trainees’ Level of Understanding

When you are giving online training or webinar sessions, a Live Quiz is a great source to know how much your trainees are learning. You can arrange Live Quizzes after your employee training sessions or in between your training sessions and check the trainees’ level of understanding of the concept on which they are provided training.

You can conduct a short Live Quiz in between a webinar to know how much trainees are understanding, after a webinar to understand how much your trainees have learned, or at the start of the next training session to revise the content of the previous session and to know how much your trainees remember.

3. It can be Used as an Icebreaker

Live Quizzes can be perfect icebreakers in an online meeting or web conferencen. In such quizzes, you can ask general knowledge, funny, or informative questions about the industry, company, and even about each other. This will help break the ice between the employees and make them feel more engaged.

In a scenario where your meetings start late to some attendees being late, you can use icebreaker quizzes to keep the present attendees engaged and motivated. 

4. It Helps to Check the Pulse of the Employees

As Employee Satisfaction directly affects Employee Engagement, almost all smart managers and business officials want to know the pulse of their employees and ensure their happiness and satisfaction. Live Quiz is one of the best ways to do this. With live quizzes, you not only get to know the employees' mood and mindset at the moment, but you can also use them as mood uplifters.

When employees communicate with each other and try to get good scores in a quiz, it induces excitement and enthusiasm, uplifting their mood and improving their present mindset.

5. It is Helpful in Fun Activities

Whether it is a festival celebration, a monthly get-together, or a weekly Fun Friday session, everything in the corporate companies has gone virtual. It has become harder for HR professionals and team leaders to make such sessions interesting and engaging in this scenario. A quiz can help a lot in such a situation.

You can use Live Quizzes to make your sessions enjoyable and engaging for the employees and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Let’s explore some best practices to Use Live Quizzes for Increasing Employee Engagement.

Some Best Practices to Use Quizzes to Increase Employee Engagement

  1. Make them Personal
  2. Include Everybody
  3. Include Fun Factor
  4. Induce Competitive Spirit
  5. Cameras should be Turned On
  6. Take Anonymous Feedback

Let’s learn how you can follow these tips and tricks to utilize your Live Quizzes best to increase Employee Engagement.

1. Make them Personal

If you want to create a happy atmosphere and want your people to engage, include some personalized questions into the quizzes you share in the meetings. You can include questions based on the employees in your teams. Some examples are:

  • Who is the most Bubbly girl in the office?
  • Who is the Happy Go Lucky person in the office?
  • Name the person in the office who has a passion for dancing.
  • Name the person in the office who knows ten languages.

These types of personalized questions not only become interesting for the employees but also create a fun environment in the meetings.

2. Include Everybody

The quiz should be designed in such a way that everybody gets involved and wants to get involved. Everybody has different interests, so don’t stick to only one type of questions every time. For instance, some persons may have a keen interest in the latest luxury cars, and others hardly know anything about any luxury cars but possess a keen interest in movies, actors, actresses, and film industries.

So try including every type of question, some questions of common interest, some questions related to the event, and some questions on a decided topic different every time.

3. Include Fun Factor

Quizzing is itself a method of fun learning. If your quizzes do not have any fun elements, attendees will not feel engaged. If you want to engage your employees and keep the environment light and happy:

  • Do include some fun elements or funny questions in your quiz.
  • Ensure that any pressure is not created to win on anybody as it will defeat the entire purpose of the quiz.
  • Remember that the purpose of the quizzes is to encourage fun and increase employee happiness, and therefore engagement.

To induce fun elements and increase excitement, you can keep some small gifts for the winning persons and keep funny penalties on low scorers, like a small performance of singing, a small joke, or anything that creates fun and excitement in the session.

4. Induce Competitive Spirit

Don’t make the quizzes so easy that everybody knows every answer. This will not lead to any learning, and after a while, it will become boring. Also, don’t make the quizzes so hard that only one or two persons can answer and the rest all don’t know anything about the topic. Keep the difficulty level moderate so that a competitive spirit is always there in the quiz.

5. Cameras Should be Turned on

‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind.’ Tell employees to turn on their cameras so that they can see and meet each other virtually, as they do not physically meet in the remote working setting. Seeing each other live will increase maintain team-bonding and engagement with each other. It will let the attendees see each other’s expressions and convey their feelings more clearly, thus increasing employee engagement.

6. Take Anonymous Feedback

Collect Anonymous Feedback about the Quiz Sessions to know what most of your employees like and what they don’t like. It conveys that you care for employees, and the purpose of all this is to keep the employees happy and engaged. Moreover, it helps you know and overcome the shortcomings and prepare better quizzes the next time.

Employee Engagement is directly affected by the interaction among the employees. More the interaction, more the engagement. With Zonka for Webex, you can encourage more interaction with and between your employees through live quizzes, polls, and surveys.

Also Read: Top Quiz Apps for Webex

Webex + Zonka Feedback CTA

Nikhil Dawer

Written by Nikhil Dawer

Dec 10, 2021

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